Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Perfect Day

Crisp morning with Ella...Bible Study...Vicki's birthday...Denise's cake...good friends...good conversation...Melissa and a frappuccino...walking home from school...warm sunshine...dandelions and date with Logan and Landry...homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies...lemonade...slip and slide...trampoline...swingset...sandbox...barefeet...pretty toes...dinner outside...driving with the windows blaring...It's spring!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tyra has Nothing on Me!

So, Aidan was watching The Kids' Choice Awards on Saturday night.  At one point they introduced Tyra Banks as one of the award presenters.  When they introduced her, they called her "the beautiful Tyra Banks."  Aidan said, "they call that beautiful?  Even my mom is more beautiful than her!"  Even my mom? I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended.  What do you think?

Potato Soup

This is a standby recipe for me...I always have the ingredients on hand, it's fast and easy, and my kids love it.  My grandmother and mother always made potato soup.  I still want it when I'm not feeling well.  I've added a few ingredients to it.  People always ask me for the recipe when I make it, so I thought I'd post it here.  I'll do the best I can with measurements...I don't really measure anything when I make this, so you may have to play with the amounts a little.

6 medium sized potatoes
milk  (1-2 cups depending on how thick you want the soup)
1-2 Tbsp butter
chives (fresh are the best, dried work too...I have no idea on the amount...roughly 1/4 c. of fresh or 1 Tbsp dried)
bacon (you can use bacon bits also...2-3 slices crumbled, or a couple of Tbsp of bacon bits)
shredded cheddar cheese (about a cup)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Peel and slice potatoes
2. boil potatoes until tender, but not mushy
3. Drain off about 1/2 the water
4. Mash about 1/2 of the potatoes, this makes the soup thick and creamy and not watery
5. Add milk, butter, chives and bacon, cheese, salt and pepper.
6.  Cook and stir until soup is warm and cheese is melted
Adjust the amount of milk to how thick you want the soup.

This soup takes more salt than you think to taste just right...the potatoes absorb a lot of the salt.  (I never said it was healthy!)

It's really good with saltine crackers or garlic cheese biscuits.

Friday, March 26, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, Ella turned 2.  It's hard to believe that she is two already.  It has flown by incredibly fast.  I wish I could capture Ella's personality in a word.  But I'm not sure which word would be exactly right.  I frequently tell her that she is "something else," and a "mess."  Aidan likes to sing "you're a humdinger!" to her when she is being especially Ella-like!  Maybe "humdinger" is the right word.  She makes me laugh out loud every day.  She is either dancing or throwing a fit; there is not much in between with her.  Thankfully, most of the time she's dancing.  and smiling.  and laughing.  But, when she's not, it's ugly.  and loud.
I love that she thinks she can do anything.  If her 7 year old brother can do it, she thinks she can too.  She'll try anything.  It's exhausting at times, but I love how fearless she is, and totally lacking in insecurity!  She is very sweet.  She loves to cuddle.  She takes care of her baby dolls like they are her real babies. She feeds them, rocks them and takes them for walks in her stroller.  She can't stand to see her brother sad.  She will put her arm around him and say, "are you okay, bubba?"  She loves to hold his hand when they are walking together.  If she gets hurt, she wants a hug from Aidan.

Jumping on the trampoline is one of her favorite things to do.  She giggles uncontrollably as she jumps and falls and rolls around.
She loves to swing more than anything else.  When she wants me to push her on the swing she yells, "more power!"

Whenever she sees her daddy, she starts dancing and singing, "daddy, daddy, daddy!"  There was never a daddy that loved a little girl more than Mark loves Ella.

As soon as we all sit down to eat dinner, she grabs mine and Aidan's hands and says, "pray?"  Sometimes, she sneaks food off her plate while we're praying.  When the prayer is finished, she shouts, "Amen!"  (I think some of her Pentecostal genes are shining through!)
If she wants you to do something she repeats it relentlessly.  She says, "come on Mommy" at least 500 times a day.
She has a temper.  If something doesn't go her way, she will fall face first on the ground and cry.  Then, like someone flipped a switch, she will stand up, smile, and say, "I'm better now!"
She loves to watch Dora, Diego and Wonder Pets.  If she needs your help with something, she starts singing, "teamwork!"
She would be happy to eat only popsicles every day, but will also eat chicken, spaghetti and chicken noodle soup if you cut her off from popsicles.  I think she is going to love ice cream as much as her daddy. He's going to finally have to share his ice cream.
She sleeps with a wind up giraffe that Aidan gave her.  She calls him Raffy.  She also sleeps with a soft fleece blanket that her Aunt Alissa gave her. She will not sleep with any other blanket, and you can't trick her.  She would rather sleep with no blanket than an impostor.
 Whenever she sees me, she acts like it's the best thing that's happened to her all day.  The whole world is delightful to her.  She takes joy in the simple things, like flowers and bugs and airplanes.  I hope she never loses that quality.  My heart overflows with love and joy for Ella.
So how do I sum up Ella in one word?  She is joy and love and innocence, full of promise and potential. She is both feisty and nurturing.  Her smile lights up the room.  Her bright blue eyes dance and twinkle.  She has a whole mess of shiny blonde hair.  Her laugh is contagious.  She doesn't walk, she skips.  No, one word just won't do it.  I guess we'll just have to stick with "humdinger" for now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Not ME Monday!

I'm very happy to report that I did NOT turn off my alarm before church and then end up sleeping until 8:20, leaving only 25 minutes to get Ella and myself ready for church.  

I definitely did not bribe my 2 year old with a Rice Krispy Treat to get her in the car for church on Sunday morning.  Nor, did I let her take that same Rice Krispy Treat with her into the sanctuary so she could finish it before going to Sunday school.  And, I never would have let her wash down her Rice Krispy breakfast with a big sippy cup full of chocolate milk!  NO, not me.  Nutrition is too important to me.  Kids need to eat a healthy breakfast, and should never eat sweets in the middle of church.  I am far too good of a parent to resort to bribery of any kind.  I'm certain that it wasn't me.

Oh, and that child shouting, "Daddy!  I found him!  He's playing drums!  Daddy, daddy, daddy, I see you!" in the middle of the prayer at church...that wasn't my child either.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Spring Break Highlights:

*stayed up late

*slept in

*caught a fish

*took a long walk with Aidan in the woods

*skipped stones in the pond (at least, I tried to skip stones)

*pushed Aidan on his favorite wooden swing

*pushed Ella on the swing for as long as she wanted

*ran (and lost) relay races against Aidan, Mark and Lilly

*went for a boat ride

*paddled the boat all by myself

*tried to catch minnows in old salsa jars (it didn't work, but it was fun trying)

*laughed big belly laughs after my husband walked into a screen door

*read 2 books  (The AD Chronicles by Brock and Bodie Thoene...highly recommend them)

*sat on a porch swing with my husband just to talk

*enjoyed the spring flowers with Ella

*helped Aidan pull his tooth...the first one that HE pulled by himself...I just cheered him on.

*injured my nose while dancing (Mark's turn for big belly laughs)

*saw The Blindside with Mark (our first movie in about 10 mos...we were overdue!)

*Had a nice leisurely lunch at Olive Garden with Mark

*melted when Aidan grabbed my hand and said, "I love you, and I love going on adventures with you."

We had a great spring break...some much needed family time.  Wish we had more time.  How long until summer?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Easter Cookies

My mom sent this recipe to me last year after Easter.  I haven't tried it yet, but can't wait to do this with the kids this year.  You make them the night before Easter.

1 c. whole pecans (or chocolate chips if you don't like nuts)
1 tsp. vinegar
3 egg whites
a pinch of salt
1 c. sugar
a zipper baggy
1 wooden spoon
scotch tape

**Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.  This is very important to do before you make the cookies.  It will not work if you wait until you are half way done with the recipe.

1. Place the pecans in the zipper baggy.  Let the children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces.  Explain that after Jesus was arrested he was beaten by the Roman soldiers.  Read:  John 19: 1-3

2. Let each child smell the vinegar.  Put 1 tsp. vinegar into mixing bowl.  Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross He was given vinegar to drink.  Read John 19:28-30

3. Add egg whites to vinegar.  Eggs represent life.  Explain that Jesus gave his life to give us life.  Read: John 10: 10-11

4. Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand.  Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl.  Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sin.  Read Luke 23:27.

5. So far the ingredients are not very appetizing.  Add 1 cup sugar.  Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because he loves us.  He wants us to know and belong to Him.  Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16.

6. Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed.  Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.  Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3.

7.  Fold in broken nuts.  Drop by teaspoon onto waxed paper covered cookie sheet.  Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid.  Read Matthew 27: 57-60.

8.  Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF.

9.  Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door.  Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed.  Read:  Matthew 27: 65-66

10.  Go to Bed!  Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight.  Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed.  Read John 16: 20-22

11.  On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie.  Notice the cracked surface and take a bite.  The cookies are hollow!  On the first Easter, Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty.  Read Matthew 28:1-9

Let me know how yours turn out if you try it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Overwhelmed and Distracted

Wow...I had such good intentions when I started this blog! It's been 5 months since I've posted anything. I guess it's true what they say about good intentions. You may be able to guess from the title of this post why I haven't been writing lately. It's something God's been dealing with me about quite a bit lately. Do you ever have times when God just WON'T leave you alone about something? I went to a Priscilla Shirer Going Beyond conference in February and was very convicted about being present in my own life. I decided then that I needed to be more purposeful and more focused on what it is God wants me to be doing. And ever since that conference I cannot open my Bible, or read a devotional or a blog without it being about this same issue. Okay God, I get it.
I am a very "busy" person. I am task oriented. It feels good to me when I can do something and check it off the list. It's like a drug. It makes me feel better. I like lists. I like tasks that are cut and dry...that I can finish and see the results. I know that my focus right now is to raise my kids to love God and to love people. But, I can't put that on a check list. I can't check it off. How do I know when I've completed that task. I'm not even sure exactly how to complete that task. So much goes into raising them. I get overwhelmed. It's so easy to "check out" when I get overwhelmed. This is the thorn in my side. Satan doesn't have to tempt me with the "big" sins, because I get distracted just trying to do what is right.
One of the hardest things for me about being a stay at home mom is the lack of feedback. How do you know if you're doing a good job with your kids? I guess you just have to wait and see how they turn out...but then it's too late to change anything. It would be nice if I could get a yearly performance review like when I was teaching. I'm sure mine would go something like this: loving--exceeds expectations, snuggling--exceeds expectations, patient--needs improvement, manages time wisely--needs improvement, trusts God with the future--needs improvement.
There's an image I keep playing over and over again in my head. Priscilla Shirer's grandmother, who is over 90 years old, was at the Going Beyond conference. Priscilla and her brother honored her at the conference. I was so touched as I thought what it must be like for that grandmother to sit in the audience and watch her grandson lead over 3,000 women in worshipping God. He is a very successful worship leader. His heart for worshipping God was very evident. Then, she got to watch her granddaughter teach these same women about God and about how to love God more. The love that Priscilla and her brother had for God and for each other was almost tangible, as was the love and respect they had for their grandmother. I kept thinking, "what a legacy."
Keeping that in mind, I have new focus in raising my kids. Someday, I want to be able to sit back and watch my kids and grandkids doing great things for God...because they love him. Above all, I want them to love God deeply. If I can help them do that, then I will have been successful. Out of their love for him, all other things will fall into place. They will do the work that he has for them, they will love and have mercy for hurting people, they will love each other, they will have joy. What else could a mother want for her kids? I know I will have to fight against all the things that try to distract me from that purpose, but it's a fight worth fighting.