Wow, I have really been in a blogging slump lately. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about, I've actually been thinking of lots of potential posts. The trick has been finding time to sit down and think them through and write it out.
Anyway, lots has been on my mind. I've had lots of thoughts lately, none of them that I've had time to really develop. So, here are some random tidbits...some of which may turn into a more detailed post later.
Occupying most of the space in my mind lately has been my friend
Dan and his family. Dan was diagnosed with melanoma. Whether you know him or not, I plead with you to follow their story. I don't know how it is going to play out, but I know that God is sovereign and regardless of what is in store for Dan and Linda, they will bring glory to God through this journey. That's just the kind of people they are...that's the kind of faith they have. I cannot adequately describe how special this family is. So,
follow their story on Caring Bridge and I promise, you will be blessed. And while you're at it, if you could send up tons and tons of prayers for them, I would be eternally grateful.
On another note, I haven't really shared this with anyone yet, but I am writing a Bible study for kids. I think. I'm really just trying to take it in whatever direction the Lord leads. At first, I was writing it on fear for kids Aidan's age. I am really wanting resources for my kids that teach them how to go to the word of God to deal with problems in their lives. So, I've been researching lots of scripture on fear. The more I study it, the more I'm drawn to the concept of Fearing the Lord. So, this Bible study on fear in general, may be morphing into a Bible Study on the Fear of the Lord. And, while I really want to have this resource for my own children, and I love working with children, and know a lot about children, I'm also feeling pulled to work with women and possibly write something for we'll see. Living (or trying to at least) your life in total submission to God is a lot of things...scary, exciting, confusing...but never, ever boring!
Christmas is coming up and I just want to encourage everyone to slow it down this year...take it all down a notch. We, unfortunately...or fortunately, depending on how you look at it...are very strapped for cash this year. The money for Christmas just isn't there. And, we are committed to paying off our credit card debt and not adding anything to it (on a side note...we haven't used a credit card in a year! yea!!), so if there isn't cash to pay for it, it's not happening. Can I just tell you how freeing this is?? We had a garage sale last week, and that combined with a little bit extra we've set aside is all we have to spend for Christmas. That's it. Our kids will have plenty...not as much as some...but that's okay. It feels so good. No more worrying about it...we'll go shopping this weekend, and then, we're pretty much done...except for a few odds and ends here and there. The rest of this season will be spent going to see Christmas lights, drinking hot chocolate and just spending time together and making Christmas memories.
This song, by Amy Grant has been running through my mind and bringing me a lot of peace lately. I'm just really in love with idea that our God is big enough for our questions and loves our honesty more than our Sunday School answers.
Well, I've got more to say, but not enough time right now...Aidan is going on a cub scout camp out tonight with my dad, and Ella is spending some one on one time with my mom. (I am doing a joyful dance and singing the praises of my parents right now...not really, but it has been a LONG LONG LONG time since we haven't had either of the kids for a WHOLE night...if that doesn't deserve a hallelujah, I don't know what does.) So, I've got to get both of them packed up.