First of all, Mark is NOT perfect.
He has more t-shirts than one man should be allowed, and I'm pretty sure that some of them are older than me. There are places on his Zildjian shirt that you can see through!
He always leaves his shoes and socks in the floor wherever he takes them off.
He keeps a small pile of clothes in the corner of our bedroom...he doesn't want to put them away because he might wear them again, but they're not quite ready to go into the hamper either.
He likes LOVES Rush.
He brings me ice cream, candy and cokes when he knows I don't need to be eating that stuff.
He can quote every line from The Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona.
He has a small rectangle of 70's style carpet from his childhood home in our closet that he can't part with.
He is a complete glutton when it comes to ice cream, especially mint chocolate chip.
He frequently pours out my drinks before I am finished with them.
So, with all these flaws, you may be wondering how I've survived the last 6 years. :)
Everyone always told me that marriage was hard work. There are times that are difficult, I suppose, but overall, being married to Mark is easy. It's easy because I always know how he feels about me. He always makes our marriage a priority.
He makes me laugh every day. He supports me in everything I do. He sacrifices financially so that I can be home with our kids.
He is an amazing father. Our children adore and respect him. Mark makes sure that our children are respectful towards me. He not only teaches them how to be Godly people, he lives it out in front of them.
He loves God and tries to live a life pleasing to him; our whole family benefits from Mark's relationship with God.
He is fun to be around.
He is sensitive to my feelings...he always (almost always) recognizes when I'm having a rough day and steps in to make it better.

He makes me feel cherished.
He has a heart for the less fortunate. He is giving and generous, even when there's not much to give.

He is my greatest blessing and my best friend. I love you Mark. Thank you for being you. Happy anniversary.
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