Wednesday, October 27, 2010


...a strong, innate desire to travel or rove about.  (
San Diego 2009
I've got it bad.

I've been feeling really restless lately, and I want to get out of town.  I want to go camping, or to the beach or the mountains...or Sea World...anywhere.  I just want to pack up and go.

Arkansas 2005

I love the feeling of pulling our packed car out of the armed with dvd's and snacks in the back...and going.  somewhere.  anywhere.  I want to see something new, something awe inspiring, or fascinating, something fun.  I need a break from spelling words and chore lists, laundry and dishes, schedules and routines...just a little break.

Gulf Shores 2008

I want to laugh with my kids and stay up late and eat ice cream and play.  I want to listen to music and talk to my husband while he drives.  I want to travel, and rove about.

Rocky Mountain National Park 2006
Ninety-five percent of the time, I'm perfectly content to be home...I'm quite the homebody usually.  But, when the travel bug bites, I need to go.  When I see out of state plates or cargo carriers on cars...I get the urge to roam.  Insert "big sigh" here.  Maybe soon we'll hit the road and go.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today we were driving and Ella said, "Mommy, if I was a bubble you would pop me.  Then you would miss me so much and be very sad."

Where does she come up with this stuff?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spooky Cake

If you take this:

Cover it with this:

Add on a few cute marshmallow ghosts,

 And some cookie tombstones,

and, sprinkle with crushed Oreo cookies

You get this cute little graveyard cake:

And, I'll give you 3 guesses who got to lick the bowl!

The Ghost of Pumpkin Patch Past

We went to the pumpkin patch with the kids last night.  This is one of mine and Mark's favorite family traditions.  In fact, someone told me the other day that their kids, who are not much older than Aidan, had outgrown the pumpkin patch.  Seriously?  How do you outgrow the pumpkin patch?   I've got news for our kids, as long as you live under our roof, you're going to the pumpkin patch.  ;o)  I don't care if you're 18.

Our trip to the pumpkin patch last night, made me reminisce about our first trip to the pumpkin patch when Aidan was one.  Good memories...that I will gladly share with you!

Look at those cheeks!

Have you ever seen anything sweeter?

My sweet boys


And now...this year...6 years and one silly sister later:

On the Pumpkin Express

She's 2 pumpkins tall!

Love Him!
Her feet aren't even touching the ground!
I think we're going to have to get one of these see-saws for the backyard!

I love it when nice strangers offer to take a family shot for us!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Family Night

Good Morning!  It's a beautiful day in our neighborhood...

This is the day that the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it!

For the last couple of months or so, we have started having family night every Tuesday evening.  This is time we schedule to spend together as a family.  We spend lots of time together every day, of course, but this is scheduled, planned time.  I look forward to it, and so do the kids.  The first Tuesday of every month we use to teach lessons using a book of Simple Science Family Nights Tool Chest that I have.  It has fun science experiments that it uses to illustrate a lesson from the Bible.  

They are really fun and Aidan loves them.  Other nights, we have gotten ice cream and taken a drive, played wii all together, played outside...all fun, simple things.  

Last night, I decided to use this idea from my friend Jennifer's blog.  She has started a blog to challenge families to do things together to serve the community.  It is called Simple Acts of Kindness for Kids and Families.  You should check it really should!  I LOVED this idea, and the kids were very excited when I told them about it.  Here are some of our cards:

Love this one...Mark is so creative

Butterflies make me happy  :o)

Awwww...notice the mountains?  He is his daddy's boy!

I think Mark is missing autumn in Colorado...Love his Aspen forrest!

More mountains

No sense beating around the bush...  :o)

I'm not sure who enjoyed the water colors more...the kids or the grown ups!  I thought they turned out really cute.  We're going to put some quarters in them today.  Then, on Saturday, we are taking a trip down to the stockyards.  We will leave our cards by the carousels and other rides that take quarters.  We're also going to leave some at the coke machines and the donut counter at church.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Doctor's Office

Attention All Parents!

If your child is sick you MUST take them to my doctor's office.  As soon as your sick child walks into the waiting room, they will be miraculously cured.  They will feel so great, in fact, that they will dance and run in circles in the middle of the waiting room, yell at the fish in the tropical fish tank and be sassy to the other patients waiting to see a doctor.

Don't believe me?  Well, I know it works, because it happened to me just today.  Ella very suddenly came down with a very high temperature this morning.  She was complaining about hurting everywhere and shivering with cold chills.  She was extremely lethargic and fussy.  It happened quite suddenly.  One minute she was playing and chasing the cats, and the next, she was in my lap wrapped in blankets and moaning with discomfort.  Normally, I'm not the "run your kid to the doctor as soon as they get the sniffles" kind of parent.  But, the sudden onset of symptoms had me a little worried and perplexed.  So, I made an appointment at our pediatrician's office for this afternoon.  As we waited at home for our appointment, her temperature continued to rise.  You could feel the heat coming off of her.  But, as soon as we walked through the doors of the doctor's office, she felt better.  It was amazing!  She was running in circles, jumping, dancing and singing.  She was squealing about the tropical fish and entertaining everyone in the waiting room.

 One woman decided to start up a conversation with Ella.  She said, "you are very cute, how old are you?" Ella just stared at her and then yelled, "stop talking to me!"  I turned beet red and apologized.  "I'm so sorry, she really doesn't feel well."  To which the woman replied, "she looks like she feels fine to me!"  I wanted to hide in the bathroom.

When we finally got back to see the doctor, her temperature was completely gone.  Her ears looked fine, her nose looked fine, her throat looked fine.  In fact, there was not one thing wrong with her.  It was a MIRACLE.  I was amazed.

I was even more amazed when I went to check out and saw my bill.  But, hey, I guess miraculous cures don't come cheap.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Around Here

What's been going on in your home lately?  Around here, we've been celebrating fall.  We kicked it off with my birthday party.

I predicted that this picture wouldn't turn out well!  At least I'm smiling.

Me with 2 of my cutest birthday party guests

Aidan has his costume all ready for Trick or Treating...he wanted to be something really scary and gory...this was our compromise...scary enough for him, but not too gory and disgusting for me:

The Unknown Phantom...yes, that's really what the costume is called

I love fall, because the cooler temperatures revitalize my roses and other flowers.  These make me happy:

This year, Aidan found "the perfect pumpkin that is the perfect color!"  I think he did a great job.
What do you think?

These guys seem to like it:

Aidan and I got a very exciting surprise the other day.  We were so excited that we called our entire family to tell them about it, and spent a good 45 minutes looking at it.  What was the surprise that had us all a twitter, you ask?  Well, see for yourself:
That's right, acorns!  For the first time ever, our red oak tree is covered with lots and lots of cute little acorns.  I know, we are easily amused.  Acorns make me happy.

If you are the mother of a little boy, you will understand that it is not unusual at all to find an octopus floating in your guest bathroom sink.  This also makes me happy.  I love my little boy.

Ella graduated from her toddler bed to these cool bunk beds, thanks to my mom's garage sale picking skills:

So, that's what's been going on around here lately.  I'll close with a warning.  Never let your 7 year old boy dress your 2 year old girl, or this may happen to you:
You've been warned!