Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I Wish I'd Known

I'll start this off by confessing that I am a liar.  I said my next post would have Colorado pictures...but this one does not.  Sorry...maybe tomorrow?

I'm not sure if it's because I'm about to have my 3rd child, or because of my quickly approaching birthday, but lately, I've been thinking about things I wish I had known 15 years ago.  I've kind of been compiling a mental list...some serious, some funny.  So, I thought I'd share my list, one at a time (about one post a week, if all goes as planned) on the blog.  What I'd really love is for everyone reading this to share something they wished they had known when they were younger too...if you'd like to share (and PLEASE do!!), please leave the thing you would like to go back in time and tell your younger self in the comments.  I think it will be fun to read everyone's advice.  Anyone and everyone is welcome to comment.  And who knows, we might just help out a young whipper-snapper somewhere with all of our wisdom.  :)

So here's my first installment of "Things I Wish I'd Known:"

1.  You do not have to accomplish EVERYthing you ever want to accomplish in your 20s.  Slow down and enjoy being young and relatively free to do as you wish.  It is not necessary to get a career, marriage, children and a house before you are 25 years old.  Wait for God's timing and don't try to force it or make it happen.  Just enjoy the ride.  You can never go back to this time, so enjoy it as long as it lasts.

So, what about you?  What do you wish you had known 15 (or 20, or 30, etc) years ago?

And, as a bonus, here's one Colorado picture.  I love this view.  It makes me feel close to God and at peace.  In my dreams, my "mansion" (which I hope is more like a cottage) in heaven has this view:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Ecclesiastes 3:11

1 comment:

  1. Good idea! I wish I had known (and someone may have told me, but of course I was young and new everything) that: Life does not always turn out like you expect it will. But the sooner you ask God to be part of your life the easier the rough patches will be because you won't be going through them alone...took me a while to figure this one out :-)


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