2. Take grumpy children and place them in water...any kind of water...bathtubs, swimming pools, sprinklers. Works every time. (Don't hold them under or anything, just let them play and relax.)
3. If my kids are in a stage of being grumpy, whiny, clingy, or just down right mean, it usually means I am not spending enough one on one time with them...schedule a date immediately.
4. If I am in a stage of being grumpy, whiny, clingy or just down right mean, it usually means I am not spending enough time with my Father...schedule a date immediately.
5. You should not buy off-brand graham crackers, Grape Nuts, or dishwashing detergent.
6. Bad boys are overrated. You know that "mysterious" quality that makes a boy seem so "bad" to begin with?? It's selfishness. There, mystery solved. Move on to someone more deserving of you.
7. Oxi-Clean will get out old milk stains that you didn't know were in your baby's clothes, until after you have stored them in the attic for 4 years. Yep, it gets out 4 year old milk stains. Love that stuff.
8. Kids like cartoons with obnoxious songs. Accept it.
9. One of the best things you can do to help your kids in school? Read to them...a lot...from the time they are old enough to sit in your lap. Trust me...it works.
10. Comparing what you have with what others have is a sure way to be miserable.
11. Being thankful for every blessing you have been given is a sure way to find joy.
12. Use things, love people...not the other way around.
13. If your mother says something that infuriates you, she's probably right, and you probably already know that.
14. Being rebellious is not always a bad thing. Jesus was rebellious. Rebel against injustice and low standards.
15. Honesty is amazingly refreshing.
16. The world measures success by how much money or attention something gains. But, real success is measured by how many people something affects in a positive way.
17. Kids like toys that allow them to use their imagination. These are usually the most inexpensive toys. If a toy does everything for the child (you know, the expensive ones) they will play with it exactly 3 times, become bored with it and bury it in their closet...but then swear it is their most favorite toy ever in the whole world if you try to get rid of it. Save your money...and your closet space.
18. Kids just want to make you happy. If they find that nothing makes you happy, when they are teenagers they will switch to just trying to make you miserable. Hey, some emotion is better than no emotion, right?
19. As bad as it sounds, it is good for people to experience some disappointment and pain. It is good for people to struggle. Anyone that tries to always protect you from all negative experience and emotion does so to your detriment.
20. The world could use more people of real courage.
21. I am blessed with lots of people that love me and that I love in return. My parents, my husband, my kids...but as much as I love them, there is only ONE that has been there, every moment...seen every tear cried in secret, laughed along with me, protected me when I didn't even know I needed it, blessed me beyond measure, had a plan for me...a plan to give me abundant life, heard every thought (even the bad ones), known every insecurity and where it came from...and loved me with an everlasting love in spite of all of it...and THAT is the person that has my whole heart and all of my devotion.
22. I am responsible for my own happiness. Whenever I start looking to someone else or something else to make me happy (or blaming them for my unhappiness), I'm the one with a problem, not them.
23. God is good. All the time. I can never be more fair or loving than He is. If I start to think I am, I need to get a new perspective.
24. We take ourselves too seriously.
25. We don't take God seriously enough.
26. If your kids aren't paying enough attention to you, act like you're trying to talk on the phone. You will become the center of their world.
27. Be predictable when disciplining your children and unpredictable while having fun with them.
28. It takes two to argue. If you're right, you'll still be right even if you don't argue.
29. You can live on a lot less money than you think you can.
30. Not having everything you want leads to a lot of self-reliance and ingenuity. If I had a lot of money, I never would have known that Mark can fix a water heater and leaky pipes, and I can fix an ice maker and get 4 year old stains out of baby clothes.
31. Always pay cash up front. Always. Debt is bad. I'll say it again, debt is bad. If God hasn't provided the means for you to buy it without going into debt, you probably don't need it.
32. Your day will go better if you make your bed as soon as you wake up. It just does.
33. One load of laundry each day...no more, no less. Wash it, dry it, put it away...resist the urge to do more. It will change your life.
34. The last 34 years have been full of God's blessings and provision. He has never let me down...not once. It's always been an adventure, and I can't wait to see what's next! Happy birthday to me. :)
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Me, 34 years ago! |
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