Wednesday, April 11, 2012


As I've mentioned before, we canceled our TV service.  It took us a while to take the plunge, but now that we've done it, it's gone pretty well.  One thing we really worried about when making this decision was not having access to the news.  But, that has actually been one of the most pleasant surprises.  Not only do I NOT miss watching the news, I feel more relaxed and less stressed.  I did not fully realize the affect the news was having.  I often went to bed at night feeling completely disgusted with the world and sure that we were all going to hell in a hand basket.  I still get news...I just read it now, and that lacks all the drama and sensationalism of television news. 

This has me thinking about other types of media also.  I love media as much as anyone else.  I love Facebook and I love being able to play Words with Friends or Draw Something with friends I haven't seen in years.  But, I think it is really easy these days to have all of our "social" interactions to happen in our living room...alone.  I think it's important to make a point to get out there and have real interactions with real people.  When I watch TV, I get discouraged.  I feel like good is losing and evil is over taking.  But, when I get out in the world, I see there is still a lot of good.  Good just isn't making headlines, but it is making a difference.  Out in the "real" world, I see strangers that talk and coo at my baby.  I see people that will hold the door for me and let me go ahead of them in the grocery store line.  A couple of weeks ago, we went to ride the Forrest Park train.  When the ride was over, Mark was carrying the diaper bag and my purse, and a couple of drinks, I was carrying the sleeping baby, and we realized Ella was barefoot.  She had taken off her shoes and left them on the train.  Before I could even formulate a plan on dealing with this, a woman walked up grabbed her shoes and put them on for Ella.  It was nice, and it helped...a lot.

Mothers whose young children have fled the nest often approach me with words of today, at the Doctor's office, Aidan was struggling with the ice pack on his swollen, black eye; Ella was shaking uncontrollably because of her very high fever and whining something I couldn't understand.  Anna was screaming because it was long past her feeding time, all while I was trying to pay the doctor money that I don't really have.  Just when I was sure that everyone was cursing me under their breath, a woman approached me, took my hand in hers and said, "I just love the sounds of your children.  I know it's hard on you, but those are great sounds."  She was probably lying, but I know she was going out of her way to relieve a little of my stress.  And it helped; it put me back in the right frame of mind.  It was good.

My point is, there are still a lot of good, kind and understanding people in this world.  So, if you feel discouraged or cynical, as I did a few weeks ago, maybe it's time to disconnect for a little while...disconnect from all the media and 24 hour bad news and interact with some real people...people with flaws for sure, but people who mostly just want to be kind and helpful.

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