It's funny to me that Aidan was teaching Ella to pray. I loved that what he was instructing her to say was so casual and conversational. He talks to God just like he talks to us. I love it...he gets's not about using fancy words, it's about saying what's in your heart...the faith of a child.
Learning to pray has been a lifelong journey for me. My prayers have drastically changed over the last couple of years. The verse, "pray without ceasing" has come to characterize my prayer life (on the good days, anyway). I used to try to set aside time to pray in the morning, or before bed. It was hard to get up any earlier than Aidan, since he is such an early riser. I'm not much of a morning person anyway, and found it hard to focus. By the time I got to go to bed, I usually fell asleep mid-prayer. My life is so busy and unpredictable that I have had to learn to pray without ceasing. I pray in the shower, I pray while I'm packing lunches, I pray while I'm driving, when I'm with the kids, while I'm cleaning, while I'm folding laundry...I pray all day (again, on the good days...I have dry spells too).
There was a time that I couldn't fathom praying all day. I focused on trying to say the right words in the right order. Praise God first, then thank him, then ask for forgiveness of sins, then present your requests...had to be in that order or it wouldn't work, right? I've learned that God is not trying to trick us and is not looking for formulaic prayers. All of those components of prayer are important, but it's so much easier than all of that. It's a conversation. "Thanks God for the rain today. I needed a break from the oppressive heat. Thanks." "Thank you for my children God, who am I that you would bless me in such a way? Love you." "Please help my friend. I don't know how to help them, but you do, so please help." "Help me be more like you. Help me show your character."
Easy, simple prayers...not long drawn out fancy things...easy is more my style.
And one more thing about prayer...I now know why God tells us to pray without ceasing. Otherwise, we would never get it all in. There is so much in the world that needs to be covered with prayer. Friends, family, my husband, his job, my kids...their futures, their presents, my struggle to control my mouth and my attitude, and on and on. It can be overwhelming at times, so I just keep praying...and trying to listen too. Because listening is an important part too...I'm still working on the being still and quiet before the Lord. Prayer is something I'm still learning. I'm glad Aidan has Ella starting early!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
This morning I decided to start the day off by praying with the kids. It's been a stressful week getting ready for our vacation. I knew we needed the focus and comfort that prayer brings. Aidan and I had a good prayer time together. I love hearing him talk to God. I am always surprised by what he prays, and how mature his prayers sound for a 7 year old (not always...but usually). Today, I prayed for peace in our home and the ability to focus on getting tasks accomplished for our trip. I also prayed that God would help us guard our mouths, since we've all been sounding a little smart-aleky lately. Aidan thanked God for Nana and Pawpaw and Mamaw and Gramps and then asked him to surround our car with angels on Friday as we are driving. Ella did not want to participate in the prayer. In fact, she didn't want ANYONE to participate in the prayer. While we prayed, she marched around the kitchen table saying, "no praying! Stop! Stop!" Aidan was very concerned about the condition of her soul and set out to teach her to pray. It was amusing to say the least. Aidan would tell Ella to say, "hi God," and Ella would growl, "hi, God." She was not really into the praying business. But, Aidan was persistent and finally got her to say, "Hi God, I love you, thank you for the angels." It was sweet, even if she did sound like a monster.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Dream Vs. Reality
The Dream:
We are getting ready for a nice long trip to Colorado. We look forward to it every year. However, it is a lot of added stress on me. I have to pack for three people, make arrangements for someone to take care of the house, the 2 cats the bird and the hermit crabs. The lawn will have to be watered while we're gone, since we don't have a sprinkler system and it is 1000 degrees outside. It's a lot to think about. So, last night I made a list of all that has to be done this week. The plan was to not wait until the last minute, to not be stressed. This is how I envisioned today going as I made my list.
I would go to bed early on Sunday night and get plenty of rest, so that I would have the energy for all that needed to be done. I would wake up early Monday morning while it was still cool (as cool as it gets at the end of June), do my Bible study with a cup of coffee on the patio and weed the flower beds before the kids got up. Then, I would water the lawn, take a shower and get dressed while the kids ate breakfast and got dressed. Next, we would run to the grocery store to get a few last minute things we need for the trip. Then, we would have lunch and make the volcano that I've been promising Aidan. Finally, I would turn a movie on for Aidan, put Ella down for a nap and work on all the laundry that needs to be done before I can pack. I would check all these things off my list and still have the afternoon free to spend with my family.
The Reality:
I fell asleep on the couch on Sunday night while watching Gran Torino (great movie, btw), woke up at 11:30 and decided to go to bed, later than I had hoped. I tried to fall asleep, but Mark coughed until almost 2:00 in the morning and it was well after than when I was finally able to drift off to sleep. I woke up at 6:45, a little later than I had hoped, but still pretty good. Just as I was about to get up and sneak outside to get some work done before the kids woke up, Aidan came running into our room like a ghost was after him and jumped in bed. So, I made Aidan breakfast and went to get dressed. While I was getting dressed, Aidan woke up Ella, because he needed someone to play with. Ella was in an extremely bad mood. Not to be deterred, I told the kids they could jump on the trampoline while I weeded the flower beds. Ella did not want to jump on the trampoline. She wanted me to hold her. I finally convinced her to get in the swing and let Aidan push her. This worked great for about 37 seconds. Aidan decided to tie Ella's swing up with a bungee cord, which resulted in a lot of screaming. I gave up on weeding the flower beds, since Ella was being so needy and Aidan was being so ornery. I decided to water the grass. I set up the sprinkler and went to turn the water on. In the mean time, Ella and Aidan made some adjustments to the sprinkler which caused it to spray directly at me when I turned on the water. The water spigot just happens to be right next to the back door, so water also sprayed into the house.
Not giving up on my list, I took the kids inside and turned on cartoons, so I could take a shower. Everything seemed to be going smoother now, so we all got dressed to go to the grocery store. While at Wal-Mart, Aidan started pouting because I wouldn't let him ride the bikes in the store. Ella decided that she wanted to have a fit for no reason, so she laid down spread eagle in the middle of the floor and started screaming as loud as humanly possible. I finally had to take her to the family restroom to calm her down. When I left the restroom, two Wal-Mart employees were standing outside the door listening.
And, it wasn't even noon yet!
Maybe my expectations were just a little too high? My new goal for the day is a family nap!
We are getting ready for a nice long trip to Colorado. We look forward to it every year. However, it is a lot of added stress on me. I have to pack for three people, make arrangements for someone to take care of the house, the 2 cats the bird and the hermit crabs. The lawn will have to be watered while we're gone, since we don't have a sprinkler system and it is 1000 degrees outside. It's a lot to think about. So, last night I made a list of all that has to be done this week. The plan was to not wait until the last minute, to not be stressed. This is how I envisioned today going as I made my list.
I would go to bed early on Sunday night and get plenty of rest, so that I would have the energy for all that needed to be done. I would wake up early Monday morning while it was still cool (as cool as it gets at the end of June), do my Bible study with a cup of coffee on the patio and weed the flower beds before the kids got up. Then, I would water the lawn, take a shower and get dressed while the kids ate breakfast and got dressed. Next, we would run to the grocery store to get a few last minute things we need for the trip. Then, we would have lunch and make the volcano that I've been promising Aidan. Finally, I would turn a movie on for Aidan, put Ella down for a nap and work on all the laundry that needs to be done before I can pack. I would check all these things off my list and still have the afternoon free to spend with my family.
The Reality:
I fell asleep on the couch on Sunday night while watching Gran Torino (great movie, btw), woke up at 11:30 and decided to go to bed, later than I had hoped. I tried to fall asleep, but Mark coughed until almost 2:00 in the morning and it was well after than when I was finally able to drift off to sleep. I woke up at 6:45, a little later than I had hoped, but still pretty good. Just as I was about to get up and sneak outside to get some work done before the kids woke up, Aidan came running into our room like a ghost was after him and jumped in bed. So, I made Aidan breakfast and went to get dressed. While I was getting dressed, Aidan woke up Ella, because he needed someone to play with. Ella was in an extremely bad mood. Not to be deterred, I told the kids they could jump on the trampoline while I weeded the flower beds. Ella did not want to jump on the trampoline. She wanted me to hold her. I finally convinced her to get in the swing and let Aidan push her. This worked great for about 37 seconds. Aidan decided to tie Ella's swing up with a bungee cord, which resulted in a lot of screaming. I gave up on weeding the flower beds, since Ella was being so needy and Aidan was being so ornery. I decided to water the grass. I set up the sprinkler and went to turn the water on. In the mean time, Ella and Aidan made some adjustments to the sprinkler which caused it to spray directly at me when I turned on the water. The water spigot just happens to be right next to the back door, so water also sprayed into the house.
Not giving up on my list, I took the kids inside and turned on cartoons, so I could take a shower. Everything seemed to be going smoother now, so we all got dressed to go to the grocery store. While at Wal-Mart, Aidan started pouting because I wouldn't let him ride the bikes in the store. Ella decided that she wanted to have a fit for no reason, so she laid down spread eagle in the middle of the floor and started screaming as loud as humanly possible. I finally had to take her to the family restroom to calm her down. When I left the restroom, two Wal-Mart employees were standing outside the door listening.
And, it wasn't even noon yet!
Maybe my expectations were just a little too high? My new goal for the day is a family nap!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Week 4: Volcanoes!
We are WAY behind on all or our summer fun. We never got to pirate week! I'm hoping to get most of these cool volcano activities in.
Okay, this week's theme is volcanoes. If your kids are science junkies like Aidan, they'll love this.
On Monday and Tuesday we are going to make a volcano. We are going to make it on Monday, let it dry, and then explode it on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, we will make chocolate lava volcanoes to eat...yummy! (recipe is below)
On Thursday, we'll make lava in a cup.
Here's the recipe (it is from the book Kids in the Kitchen Year 'Round Fun):
Chocolatey Lava Cakes:
1 1/3 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 c. butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
3 T. all-purpose flour
4 eggs
1 T. baking cocoa
Optional: m&m's candies
Place chocolate and butter in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 30 seconds at a time until melted. stir until smooth. Stir in vanilla.
Mix sugar, salt and flour in a small bowl. Stir into chocolate mixture.
Beat with an electric mixer on medium. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat on high for 4 minutes. Chill until cold.
Grease 8 cups of a muffin tin lightly. Sprinkle with cocoa and shake off any extra cocoa.
Pour 1/4 c. of batter into each muffin cup. Bake for 10-11 minutes at 375 degrees, until cakes are set on outside but gooey inside. (Don't over bake).
Turn out onto dessert plates and sprinkle with m&m's Serve warm.
I think I'll leave Friday open this week. We've had a really hard time getting to everything each week. I don't think we've been able to do all the activities yet for any of the, I'm making Friday a free day/catch up day.
Other free activities you may be interested in this week:
Tuesday and Wednesday (June 29-30): Free movies at 10 am, UA Fossil Creek
This week they are showing: Astro Boy and Rugrats in Paris
Okay, this week's theme is volcanoes. If your kids are science junkies like Aidan, they'll love this.
On Monday and Tuesday we are going to make a volcano. We are going to make it on Monday, let it dry, and then explode it on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, we will make chocolate lava volcanoes to eat...yummy! (recipe is below)
On Thursday, we'll make lava in a cup.
Here's the recipe (it is from the book Kids in the Kitchen Year 'Round Fun):
Chocolatey Lava Cakes:
1 1/3 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 c. butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
3 T. all-purpose flour
4 eggs
1 T. baking cocoa
Optional: m&m's candies
Place chocolate and butter in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 30 seconds at a time until melted. stir until smooth. Stir in vanilla.
Mix sugar, salt and flour in a small bowl. Stir into chocolate mixture.
Beat with an electric mixer on medium. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat on high for 4 minutes. Chill until cold.
Grease 8 cups of a muffin tin lightly. Sprinkle with cocoa and shake off any extra cocoa.
Pour 1/4 c. of batter into each muffin cup. Bake for 10-11 minutes at 375 degrees, until cakes are set on outside but gooey inside. (Don't over bake).
Turn out onto dessert plates and sprinkle with m&m's Serve warm.
I think I'll leave Friday open this week. We've had a really hard time getting to everything each week. I don't think we've been able to do all the activities yet for any of the, I'm making Friday a free day/catch up day.
Other free activities you may be interested in this week:
Tuesday and Wednesday (June 29-30): Free movies at 10 am, UA Fossil Creek
This week they are showing: Astro Boy and Rugrats in Paris
Wednesday: Sugar-Free All Stars, Saginaw Rec. Center @ 10am (not sure what this is exactly)
Thursday: Ringling Circus Clown Saginaw Library 4 pm
Supply List:
flour (lots of it!)
salt (lots of it!)
vegetable oil
empty soda bottle
red food coloring
liquid detergent
baking soda
chocolate chips
m&m candies
Supply List:
flour (lots of it!)
salt (lots of it!)
vegetable oil
empty soda bottle
red food coloring
liquid detergent
baking soda
chocolate chips
m&m candies
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I originally wrote this post back in April and have been saving in my drafts. For some reason, I never felt like posting it until today. I'm not sure why...but here it is, finally. :)
Christianity was founded on mercy. That is so easy to forget. Without God's grace and mercy, we would be cut off from him because of our own sin. We love to talk about God's grace and his mercy. We do Bible studies on it and sing songs about it. But, as Christ followers, we are called to show mercy to others as well. I think if you were to ask most people if they were merciful, they would say yes. Most people are quick to show mercy to the less fortunate. We send money, donate blood or clothes to the hurting people in the world. We take in stray animals. We hate injustice, and stand up against it...we even fight wars to defeat it. We give people 2nd chances...and 3rd chances.
I have always considered myself a merciful person. But, lately, God has been revealing to me that I have some room for improvement. It's easy to show mercy to orphans, hurricane victims, the abused and the forgotten. We excel at showing mercy when it makes us feel good; when we can pat ourselves on the back for it. But what about when it feels better to not show mercy...what about the woman at the grocery store. You know, the one with the screaming kids, or the one with 25 items in the express lane. It's so easy to judge them...terrible parent, inconsiderate...even though we don't know them. Or, what about the person that cuts you off in traffic...idiot. Don't forget about the person with the out of style haircut and frumpy one shows them much mercy. Even if we don't say it out loud, we think it. I do it all the time...never in word or deed, but in thought...making snap judgments about strangers. I can judge someone's entire character based on a 30 second snapshot of their life. It's so easy to judge people when their only flaw is they are not like me, or they are not doing something the way I would do it.
I'm so glad that God is not like that. I'm so thankful He doesn't make snide remarks about me when I do something that does not reflect His character...when I'm lazy, or foolish, or sinful. I'm glad he shows me mercy. I'm glad he judges my actions, but not my person. I'm glad that he is patient with me. I'm so thankful that he gives me multiple chances to get it right...that he recognizes that I'm on a journey and that I'm not perfect, and that he loves me anyway. I'm trying hard to be more merciful and more show others the same mercy and grace that God has shown to me. The world needs more safe places, more safe people...where you can just be to make mistakes sometimes and be loved anyway; free to be imperfect. I hope I can become that person for the people I encounter in my life. When we show mercy we become a living testimony of God's love for each of us.
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:17-18
Christianity was founded on mercy. That is so easy to forget. Without God's grace and mercy, we would be cut off from him because of our own sin. We love to talk about God's grace and his mercy. We do Bible studies on it and sing songs about it. But, as Christ followers, we are called to show mercy to others as well. I think if you were to ask most people if they were merciful, they would say yes. Most people are quick to show mercy to the less fortunate. We send money, donate blood or clothes to the hurting people in the world. We take in stray animals. We hate injustice, and stand up against it...we even fight wars to defeat it. We give people 2nd chances...and 3rd chances.
I have always considered myself a merciful person. But, lately, God has been revealing to me that I have some room for improvement. It's easy to show mercy to orphans, hurricane victims, the abused and the forgotten. We excel at showing mercy when it makes us feel good; when we can pat ourselves on the back for it. But what about when it feels better to not show mercy...what about the woman at the grocery store. You know, the one with the screaming kids, or the one with 25 items in the express lane. It's so easy to judge them...terrible parent, inconsiderate...even though we don't know them. Or, what about the person that cuts you off in traffic...idiot. Don't forget about the person with the out of style haircut and frumpy one shows them much mercy. Even if we don't say it out loud, we think it. I do it all the time...never in word or deed, but in thought...making snap judgments about strangers. I can judge someone's entire character based on a 30 second snapshot of their life. It's so easy to judge people when their only flaw is they are not like me, or they are not doing something the way I would do it.
I'm so glad that God is not like that. I'm so thankful He doesn't make snide remarks about me when I do something that does not reflect His character...when I'm lazy, or foolish, or sinful. I'm glad he shows me mercy. I'm glad he judges my actions, but not my person. I'm glad that he is patient with me. I'm so thankful that he gives me multiple chances to get it right...that he recognizes that I'm on a journey and that I'm not perfect, and that he loves me anyway. I'm trying hard to be more merciful and more show others the same mercy and grace that God has shown to me. The world needs more safe places, more safe people...where you can just be to make mistakes sometimes and be loved anyway; free to be imperfect. I hope I can become that person for the people I encounter in my life. When we show mercy we become a living testimony of God's love for each of us.
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:17-18
Pirate Week...week 3
I decided to make week 3 pirate week when I heard Ella walking around the living room one day saying "Arrr mateys! I'm a pirate!"
This is what I've come up with...please add any other ideas you have.
Monday: Make our pirate costumes. You can make these newspaper hats, or tye dyed bandanas (or just use any bandana). Make a pirate hook and get an eye patch to complete the look!
Tuesday: Make a pirate spy glass and/or a catapult
Wednesday: UA Fossil Creek is showing The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything for free at 10 am (June 22 and 23)
Thursday: Make pirate treasure chests. You can do this with whatever materials you have, but if you need ideas, here's an easy example.
Friday: Make treasure maps. I am going to let the kids make their own, creative treasure maps. But, I am also going to make one of our house with the location of Thursday's treasure box marked with an X! Then, we can hunt for treasure while dressed up in all our pirate gear!
Also, this week the Saginaw Library is doing something called a mobile dairy classroom in the parking lot. I'm not sure what it is, but if you're interested it is Wednesday at 10:00.
Supply list: (this is quite a list, but you probably have most of this at home)
scotch tape
black marker
tin foil
2 sturdy paper or styrofoam cups
black or grey duct tape
toilet paper roll
paint and brush
construction paper
12 craft sticks
2 clothes pins
plastic spoon
rubber band
cotton balls or marshmallows
tissue box or shoe box for treasure chest
1/2 c. coffee or tea
eye patch (optional)
candy or small toys/treasures to put in the treasure chest
If you want to make a tye dye bandana, you'll also need a plain bandana or white cloth cut to bandana size and one of those tye dye kits.
For a fun pirate snack, you can scoop the fruit out of a cantaloupe, watermelon or even an orange and fill it with your favorite fruit salad. Use a skewer or craft stick and make a flag for your pirate ship and enjoy.
This is what I've come up with...please add any other ideas you have.
Monday: Make our pirate costumes. You can make these newspaper hats, or tye dyed bandanas (or just use any bandana). Make a pirate hook and get an eye patch to complete the look!
Tuesday: Make a pirate spy glass and/or a catapult
Wednesday: UA Fossil Creek is showing The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything for free at 10 am (June 22 and 23)
Thursday: Make pirate treasure chests. You can do this with whatever materials you have, but if you need ideas, here's an easy example.
Friday: Make treasure maps. I am going to let the kids make their own, creative treasure maps. But, I am also going to make one of our house with the location of Thursday's treasure box marked with an X! Then, we can hunt for treasure while dressed up in all our pirate gear!
Also, this week the Saginaw Library is doing something called a mobile dairy classroom in the parking lot. I'm not sure what it is, but if you're interested it is Wednesday at 10:00.
Supply list: (this is quite a list, but you probably have most of this at home)
scotch tape
black marker
tin foil
2 sturdy paper or styrofoam cups
black or grey duct tape
toilet paper roll
paint and brush
construction paper
12 craft sticks
2 clothes pins
plastic spoon
rubber band
cotton balls or marshmallows
tissue box or shoe box for treasure chest
1/2 c. coffee or tea
eye patch (optional)
candy or small toys/treasures to put in the treasure chest
If you want to make a tye dye bandana, you'll also need a plain bandana or white cloth cut to bandana size and one of those tye dye kits.
For a fun pirate snack, you can scoop the fruit out of a cantaloupe, watermelon or even an orange and fill it with your favorite fruit salad. Use a skewer or craft stick and make a flag for your pirate ship and enjoy.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer Fun Pictures
Here are some pictures from our summer so far:
Watching Spy Kids 2 from our secret spy hide out:

Watching Spy Kids 2 from our secret spy hide out:
Sea World and San Antonio:
Art Week: Finger Paints
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Summer Fun: Week 2 (again)
I got a little out of order, so click here if you want to see the activities I planned for week 2 (art week). I changed the day for the museum visit to Wednesday. They are doing story time at the museum every Wednesday in the summer from 10:30-11:30. (Thanks Gwen!)
In addition, here are some other free activities you may want to take advantage of:
Tuesday, June 16: David Slick, juggler, unicycle, fire breather (Saginaw Rec Center 10:00 am)
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 16-17: free movies at UA Fossil Creek
10:00 am, first come, first served
This week they are showing Charlotte's Web and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Fort Worth Libraries have a ton going on this summer. Check their web site to find what's going on at the one closest to you.
If you sign up for the Saginaw Library's summer reading program, you get a free child's admission to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. You can also earn a free circus ticket if you read 5 books. (If your child reads the books...not you :)
In addition, here are some other free activities you may want to take advantage of:
Tuesday, June 16: David Slick, juggler, unicycle, fire breather (Saginaw Rec Center 10:00 am)
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 16-17: free movies at UA Fossil Creek
10:00 am, first come, first served
This week they are showing Charlotte's Web and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Fort Worth Libraries have a ton going on this summer. Check their web site to find what's going on at the one closest to you.
If you sign up for the Saginaw Library's summer reading program, you get a free child's admission to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. You can also earn a free circus ticket if you read 5 books. (If your child reads the books...not you :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Summer Fun: Week 1...Spy Week
Being a mom teaches you to be, I'm moving all my previously planned art activities to week 2. Instead, for the first week of summer, we'll be doing Spy Week! I made this change because I found out our library was having a secret agent magic show AND the movie theater was showing the Spy Next Door for, naturally, I thought, Spy Week!
So, here's the break down for spy week.
Monday: Make a book safe to hide our spy gear. Click here for the instructions.
Tuesday: Go to the free movie at UA Fossil Creek...The Spy Next Door starts at 10 am. (they are also showing Kit Kittredge for free that day)
Wednesday: Go to the kick off of Saginaw's summer reading program. James Wand--Secret Agent Magic Show @ 10 am (it's free!)
Thursday: Make invisible ink and write secret messages to each other
Friday: Make fingerprint powder and lift fingerprints from all around the house, make a spy hideout with chairs and blankets; Eat lunch in our spy hide out
Shopping list: (you probably already have most of this)
old hard cover book
Exacto knife
starch powder
clear tape
For additional spy activities check out
So, here's the break down for spy week.
Monday: Make a book safe to hide our spy gear. Click here for the instructions.
Tuesday: Go to the free movie at UA Fossil Creek...The Spy Next Door starts at 10 am. (they are also showing Kit Kittredge for free that day)
Wednesday: Go to the kick off of Saginaw's summer reading program. James Wand--Secret Agent Magic Show @ 10 am (it's free!)
Thursday: Make invisible ink and write secret messages to each other
Friday: Make fingerprint powder and lift fingerprints from all around the house, make a spy hideout with chairs and blankets; Eat lunch in our spy hide out
Shopping list: (you probably already have most of this)
old hard cover book
Exacto knife
starch powder
clear tape
For additional spy activities check out
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Summer Fun: Week 2
Summer break officially begins on Friday! My husband is teaching summer school this year, so I'm on my own with both least for half the day. I'm very excited to get to spend time with Aidan. I've missed him so much since he's been in school. But, I want to be purposeful about the time we have together this summer...and not just let it fade into a blur of Spongebob episodes and video games. So, I'm planning one easy, VERY cheap activity each day for us to do. These will not be a huge hassle, and they won't cost hardly any money...and since it looks like it will be a hot one, they'll be mostly indoors!
I thought I'd share my activities in case anyone else needed ideas. I would love for you to leave comments with your ideas also...I'm sure I'll run out before summer is over!
Week 2: Fun with Art
Monday: painting...we are going to make our own finger paints and then create our own works of art (the recipe for finger paints is below)
Tuesday: Sculptures...we are going to make our own clay, and then make sculptures (recipe for clay is below)
Wednesday: visit an art museum (we're going to the Amon Carter in Fort Worth, because it's free!), have a picnic (at the park if we can take the heat, in the living room floor if it's too hot) Story time at Amon Carter is 10:30-11:30 every Wednesday
Thursday: Bubble Art (directions are below)
Friday: Make our own art museum. We will make brownies and lemonade together and display all of our art.
Shopping List:
(you probably have most of this on hand already)
food coloring
finger paint paper
baking soda
bubble mixture (store bought or make your own)
liquid tempera paint
white construction paper
Finger Paints
1/4 c. salt
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 c. water
food coloring
Mix the water, salt and cornstarch in a pan and bring it to a boil. Keep stirring until the mixture is the consistency of yogurt. If you want to make a variety of colors, divide the mixture and place it in different containers and add the food coloring. Let the mixture cool before painting. Store in tightly sealed containers (or plastic bags) in the refrigerator for several weeks.
Self Hardening Clay
1 c. cornstarch
2 c. baking soda
1 1/4 c. water
food coloring
Mix the cornstarch and baking soda together in a mixing bowl. In a microwave safe bowl, mix the water with the food coloring. Slowly add the dry mixture to the water and stir. Microwave the mixture for several minutes, stopping to stir every 30-40 seconds. Or cook on the stove over low heat for 15-20 minutes. This play doh will harden if air-dried and may be painted.
Bubble Art Instructions:
Pour the bubble mixture into several small paper cups. Add just enough liquid tempera paint to color the bubble mixture. Stir gently. Blow bubbles and try to catch them on the white paper. When the bubbles "pop" on the paper, they will leave paint splotches and patterns.
You can also catch these colorful bubbles on a paper plate and put them into the freezer before they have time to pop. Leave them there for at least 3 hours and then go back to see what happened!
Let me know if you try any of these and how they turn out. I will post pictures of all of our fun next week!
I'll post more activities for week 3 early next week...I would love to hear your ideas also!
I thought I'd share my activities in case anyone else needed ideas. I would love for you to leave comments with your ideas also...I'm sure I'll run out before summer is over!
Week 2: Fun with Art
Monday: painting...we are going to make our own finger paints and then create our own works of art (the recipe for finger paints is below)
Tuesday: Sculptures...we are going to make our own clay, and then make sculptures (recipe for clay is below)
Wednesday: visit an art museum (we're going to the Amon Carter in Fort Worth, because it's free!), have a picnic (at the park if we can take the heat, in the living room floor if it's too hot) Story time at Amon Carter is 10:30-11:30 every Wednesday
Thursday: Bubble Art (directions are below)
Friday: Make our own art museum. We will make brownies and lemonade together and display all of our art.
Shopping List:
(you probably have most of this on hand already)
food coloring
finger paint paper
baking soda
bubble mixture (store bought or make your own)
liquid tempera paint
white construction paper
Finger Paints
1/4 c. salt
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 c. water
food coloring
Mix the water, salt and cornstarch in a pan and bring it to a boil. Keep stirring until the mixture is the consistency of yogurt. If you want to make a variety of colors, divide the mixture and place it in different containers and add the food coloring. Let the mixture cool before painting. Store in tightly sealed containers (or plastic bags) in the refrigerator for several weeks.
Self Hardening Clay
1 c. cornstarch
2 c. baking soda
1 1/4 c. water
food coloring
Mix the cornstarch and baking soda together in a mixing bowl. In a microwave safe bowl, mix the water with the food coloring. Slowly add the dry mixture to the water and stir. Microwave the mixture for several minutes, stopping to stir every 30-40 seconds. Or cook on the stove over low heat for 15-20 minutes. This play doh will harden if air-dried and may be painted.
Bubble Art Instructions:
Pour the bubble mixture into several small paper cups. Add just enough liquid tempera paint to color the bubble mixture. Stir gently. Blow bubbles and try to catch them on the white paper. When the bubbles "pop" on the paper, they will leave paint splotches and patterns.
You can also catch these colorful bubbles on a paper plate and put them into the freezer before they have time to pop. Leave them there for at least 3 hours and then go back to see what happened!
Let me know if you try any of these and how they turn out. I will post pictures of all of our fun next week!
I'll post more activities for week 3 early next week...I would love to hear your ideas also!
The Newest Member of Our Family
Meet Habiyamuremye Adrien, the child our family is sponsoring. He is 5 years old and lives with his parents in Rwanda. We had compassion Sunday at church a few weeks ago, and Mark and I both felt strongly that this was something we needed to do. For a very small monthly contribution, this child will have access to food, education, and other services that help his family. For less than my family spends on hamburgers each month, we could make a big difference in this child's life. We let Aidan pick out which child we would sponsor. He picked Habiyamuremye because he was the only one that didn't have shoes. He really wants to buy him some shoes. (It's possible that he HAS shoes, but just wasn't wearing them in this photo). It has been such a blessing for our family to be able to help. I love hearing Aidan pray for "Habi." I hope it means as much to Habiyamuremye as it does to us. We will be sending him pictures and letters soon. I would love to meet him someday, and Compassion will allow you to travel to your child's home to meet them, but I'm not counting on us ever being able to make that trip. Please join our family in praying for this little boy, or go to Compassion's web site to sponsor a child of your own.
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