Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Fun: Week 2

Summer break officially begins on Friday!  My husband is teaching summer school this year, so I'm on my own with both kids...at least for half the day.  I'm very excited to get to spend time with Aidan.  I've missed him so much since he's been in school.  But, I want to be purposeful about the time we have together this summer...and not just let it fade into a blur of Spongebob episodes and video games.  So, I'm planning one easy, VERY cheap activity each day for us to do.  These will not be a huge hassle, and they won't cost hardly any money...and since it looks like it will be a hot one, they'll be mostly indoors!
I thought I'd share my activities in case anyone else needed ideas.  I would love for you to leave comments with your ideas also...I'm sure I'll run out before summer is over!

Week 2:  Fun with Art

Monday:  painting...we are going to make our own finger paints and then create our own works of art  (the recipe for finger paints is below)

Tuesday: Sculptures...we are going to make our own clay, and then make sculptures (recipe for clay is below)

Wednesday: visit an art museum (we're going to the Amon Carter in Fort Worth, because it's free!), have a picnic (at the park if we can take the heat, in the living room floor if it's too hot)  Story time at Amon Carter is 10:30-11:30 every Wednesday

Thursday:  Bubble Art (directions are below)

Friday:  Make our own art museum.  We will make brownies and lemonade together and display all of our art.

Shopping List:
(you probably have most of this on hand already)

food coloring
finger paint paper
baking soda
bubble mixture (store bought or make your own)
liquid tempera paint
white construction paper


Finger Paints

1/4 c. salt
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 c. water
food coloring

Mix the water, salt and cornstarch in a pan and bring it to a boil.  Keep stirring until the mixture is the consistency of yogurt.  If you want to make a variety of colors, divide the mixture and place it in different containers and add the food coloring.  Let the mixture cool before painting.  Store in tightly sealed containers (or plastic bags) in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Self Hardening Clay

1 c. cornstarch
2 c. baking soda
1 1/4 c. water
food coloring

Mix the cornstarch and baking soda together in a mixing bowl.  In a microwave safe bowl, mix the water with the food coloring.  Slowly add the dry mixture to the water and stir.  Microwave the mixture for several minutes, stopping to stir every 30-40 seconds.  Or cook on the stove over low heat for 15-20 minutes.  This play doh will harden if air-dried and may be painted.

Bubble Art Instructions:

Pour the bubble mixture into several small paper cups.  Add just enough liquid tempera paint to color the bubble mixture.  Stir gently.  Blow bubbles and try to catch them on the white paper. When the bubbles "pop" on the paper, they will leave paint splotches and patterns.

You can also catch these colorful bubbles on a paper plate and put them into the freezer before they have time to pop.  Leave them there for at least 3 hours and then go back to see what happened!

Let me know if you try any of these and how they turn out.  I will post pictures of all of our fun next week!

I'll post more activities for week 3 early next week...I would love to hear your ideas also!

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