Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Stuff

Just got home from our first ob appointment for the baby.  He (or she) looks like a little bean and we could see the heartbeat pounding away.  It's amazing to me still how this all happens.  It is breath taking to see that little bitty heart flashing on the screen.  Looks like we'll be due on November 27.  Man, that seems far away!  Hopefully, this morning sickness will let up soon so I can function like a normal human being!

Before time gets away from me, I wanted to tell you a couple of things about Easter.
First, I was very excited to find out about these chocolate lambs you can order for your kids' instead of chocolate bunnies and chicks.  I love that they each come with the story of the lamb and part of the profits are donated to Compassion's child survival program.  This program helps infants and their mothers get the care they need in 3rd world countries.  I think you can order up until Wednesday and still get them in time...we may have to wait on this until next year...but just in case you're interested, click here:  Easter Lambs.

Also, I posted a recipe for Easter cookies last year, and several of you did this with your kids and enjoyed it.  So, I'm posting a link to that post in case you want to do it this year.  You make them the Saturday night before Easter.  My kids loved doing this.  Here's the link:  Easter Cookies

Please pray that my morning sickness ends soon.  I think I'm about to lose my mind.  Finally, I need to give a shout out to Mark.  He has really out done himself with taking care of me during this time...he's cleaning, doing laundry, taking care of kids, listening to me whine, doing without any kind of home cooked meal, and just generally being awesome.  What a comfort it is to know that there is someone you can count on whenever things are rough!  Don't tell him though...I don't want it to go to his head.

I hope everyone takes some time this week to focus on this Holy Week and what it means for all of us.  Don't let the busyness and the holiday demands detract from why we celebrate!

Morning Sickness is a misnomer,

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