Friday, October 9, 2009


Well, I've been thinking that it's probably time to update the blog.  I've thought and thought about it, but no inspiration has struck.  I'm sure the kids have done some cute things I could tell about, but my brain is so tired, I just can't remember.  In fact, my brain is SO tired, I can hardly focus on anything.  So, here are some random things I've been thinking about lately (a rare glimpse into the scary place that is my mind):


*Old trucks

*work boots

*Why did Barack Obama win a Nobel Peace Prize?

*Hess and Lorene

*Sun tea

*When will it stop raining?

*What color should I paint the bathroom?

*the joy of giving

*how to give and receive grace

*the freedom that comes with forgiveness

*the swine flu vaccine

*the blessing of good friends

*the urge to get away

*the longing to stay home

*the miracle of God's provision


*crunchy leaves

*why would anyone want to blast something into the moon?

*fresh tomatoes

*mason jars

*comfortable southern accents

*sad endings

*friends that are hurting

*How can such a little girl have such a big personality?

*Is it really necessary to have 57 screaming fits a day?  (I'll let  you decide if that's me or Ella having the fits!)

*the difficulty of letting go

*dishes and laundry

*health care

*banana pudding

*real cowboys

*early onset terrible twos

I could go on and on...but, a tiny dictator is screaming at me, so I must go now!

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