Wednesday, August 24, 2011

For Your Amusement

Do you ever read people's facebook posts or blogs and think, "wow, what a great mom."  Or, "they really have it all together."  Or, "where do they find the time?"  That will not be how you feel after you read this post.  Please feel free to laugh at me about what I'm going to tell you...I've been laughing about it since it happened!  This is real life from the trenches!  Ha!

Last week I offered to help Aidan's teacher put together some folders for her class.  She said she would leave all the materials for me in her rolling cart in the office.  So, Friday morning, I picked up the rolling cart from Aidan's school, brought it home and assembled all the folders.  That afternoon, I was ready to take the cart and the folders back to school, but the kids were exhausted, and were quietly watching a movie on the couch.  Plus, it was 150 degrees outside, roughly.  Since the school is at the end of our street and all I had to do was drop the cart off in the office, I told the kids they could stay here.  It was going to be less than 5 minutes.  So, I gave Aidan my cell phone number and cautioned him to not answer the phone or the door, NO MATTER WHAT.  So, I locked all the doors, rolled the cart out to the van and prepared to put it in the back.  Then, I realized I had left my keys inside.  Locked my keys inside.  So, I went to the door and started knocking.  No one answered.  I tried calling on my cell phone.  Again, no answer.  What obedient children I have!  I kept knocking, and was about to give up and go around to the back door so they could see me (if they weren't hiding!), when I hear this little voice say, "who is it?"  Aidan had looked out the window and realized our van was still in the driveway.  He was so scared when he opened the door.  He had tried to call me on my cell phone but couldn't get through, because I was trying to call him at the same time.  I felt really bad for him, and frustrated with myself.  But, it gets better.

So, I got my keys, and told the kids to REALLY not go to the door this time.  I was flustered and in a hurry, and I think it was now 175 degrees outside.  I quickly jumped in my car, trying not to fry my legs on the hot seat, threw it into reverse and backed up.  Then my heart fell into my stomach as I heard, "Bam!" followed by "Crunch."  I had left the rolling cart behind the van.  I had flattened the rolling cart...the rolling cart that belongs to Aidan's teacher!  It was completely flat in the driveway and one of the wheels was broken off.  Ugh.  I tried to fix it, but it was beyond repair.  All of my aspirations to be Room Mom of the Year died with that rolling cart.

So, my quick 5 minute trip to the school turned into quite the fiasco.  It seems to be a talent of mine!  Can anyone else relate?

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