Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Lately, I've been feeling very thankful for all the blessings in my life.  I've had several periods of being overwhelmed by God's blessings for me.  It's a good place to be. 

Here are just a few of the things I have been feeling especially grateful for recently:
Last night, Mark and I took the kids out to eat in honor of the anniversary of our first date.  As we sat there with our 3 beautiful children, I felt in awe of it all.  It all started with that first date, and now we have this sweet little family.  My heart is filled to overflowing just thinking of it. 

After eating, we went to Lowe's just to look around.  If I had known when I was younger that I would one day think going to Lowe's was a fun night out, I would have cried!  But we enjoy going and looking and planning projects for our house (that may or may not get completed!).  Last night we bought another bird feeder and looked at fruit trees.  We looked at materials for building a fire pit, and the kids and I looked at vegetable seeds and contemplated having a garden.  It was a really sweet family time and I felt very grateful the whole time we were there.  I loved that my husband just had to get the last platform feeder that was there...it looks like a porch swing, and Mark hung it in our tree as soon as he got home.  I am thankful to be married to a man that loves what I love.

I remember when I was little, every time I spent the night with my grandmother, she would get into bed at night and say, "I'm so thankful for my bed.  Lots of people don't have a bed to sleep in tonight."  I thought of her last night when I finally went to bed...aching and tired, I was very grateful for my bed last night, and grateful that my grandmother set an example of being thankful for what we have.

In the middle of the night, Anna woke up to eat.  I was so tired.  I could hardly keep my eyes open.  But, when I reached into her bed to pick her up, she gave me a big gummy smile, and I melted.  It was all worth it for that smile.  I held her long after she finished eating, with her little head against my cheek, breathing in her sweet baby goodness.  I thought about how fortunate I was to have her, even at 4:00 in the morning.  How many  people out there are longing to hold a baby of their own in their arms.  God is good.

In the morning, Aidan was up and dressed long before I even got up.  He was excited because he was riding his new bike to school by himself.  I could tell he felt older...he was carrying himself differently.  And, as I watched him ride down the street on his bike without ever looking back, my heart filled with pride and gratefulness for this boy.

After I went inside, I sat at the table drinking my coffee and watching the birds at our feeders, and thought about how good this life is that we've built together, God has lavished upon us.

And later, Ella and I sat snuggled up together in blankets on the couch watching cartoons.  She wasn't feeling well, so she was particularly snuggly.  I loved having her there by my side, safe and warm.  I thought about how abundantly God has poured out his love on our family.
God has been teaching me about contentment lately.  I am so glad I have been able to step back and see what I have and enjoy it all.  I have a good life.  I don't have everything I'd like to have, but I have everything that matters, and for that, I am grateful beyond words.

Friday, January 20, 2012

You Owe Me a Coke

Remember as kids how we would all shout "Jinx!" if someone said something at the same time as us?  The other person couldn't talk after that until you said their name.  And then later, it progressed to "pinch, poke, you owe me a coke!"  I don't know of anyone that actuallly got a coke out of this.  Well, this kind of stuff still goes on in schools today.   But, it seems they have evolved a bit.   Aidan has been saying these things for a couple of years now.  But today, was the best one.  We were talking to Ella and we both said the same thing at the same time and Aidan shouted, "Jinx, Double Jinx, Super Blackout Waterfall Jinx!"

Super Blackout Waterfall Jinx?

I asked him what that meant and he said, "You can't go to the bathroom for 2 days."

Now, how do you enforce that one?

In other news, I am proud to report that I have been selected by Reince Priebus himself to participate in a Congressional District Census...commissioned by the Republican Party.  It is a very prestigious selection.  I am one of the "select few" (that was even underlined in the letter) receiving this census.  "Because of my high level of political involvement..."  Wow!  I didn't know yelling at the TV during the news was a "high level of political involvement."  I would hate to see what they consider a low level of political involvement!  I was a little flattered at first, but then I realized they really just want me to send money.  There are a few multiple choice questions to fill out.  The 2 page letter asks for money on about 6 different occasions.  If they really wanted my opinion, they should have given me a blank page.  I have a few ideas I could share.

Sadly, the candidate I would be excited about, probably wouldn't even want to run.  Where is George Washington when you need him?

Finally, this has absolutely nothing to do with this post...but isn't my baby just adorable?

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today, Ella and I were talking about all the things that God created.  I asked her, "what is your favorite thing that God created?"  She said, "I like grass, and horses and bugs.  But my favorite thing that God created is Anna."   

Later, Ella was sitting with Anna and said, "You are pretty and kind.  But you are not brave.  You're still really wimpy.  When you are a big girl like me, you will be brave."

I love my girls...so thankful for the blessing of my daughters.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Straight from my Brain

A few random things:

-I tried the Shatter nail polish that I've heard so much about.  Everyone seems to love it.  Even the woman that cut Ella's hair was raving about it.  So I tried it.  I used silver shatter over bright pink polish.  It looks like somebody messed up my nail polish.  Is this the look we're going for now?  I don't get it.   Did I do something wrong?  Ella loves it, so maybe I'm just too old mature for shatter nail polish.  Thanks anyway, Santa.

-Ella and I were watching Wild Kratts this morning.  It was about elephants.  Did you know that elephants only sleep 4 hours a night?  And, they are not consecutive hours.  I think Anna is part elephant.

-I just began a sentence with "and."  My 5th grade teacher would be appalled.

-I've lost 3 pounds since Mark went back to work on Monday.  I think he is a bad influence on me.

-I told Ella to turn the TV down the other day and she refused.  So, I said, "turn it down, or I am going to turn it off."  She sighed, rolled her eyes and said, "You have SO many rules."  Is she 3 or 13??

-We haven't taken our Christmas decorations down yet.  I just can't seem to find the time, or the energy or the motivation.  I've seriously considered throwing them all away and starting again next year. 

-Ella wants to have a dinosaur party for her 4th birthday.  I would love for her to have a more girly party...like fairies or Alice in Wonderland...but, she wants dinosaurs.  Sigh. 

-I can't believe Ella is going to be 4 soon.  Wow.  That just astounds me...where has my baby gone?

-I went to the doctor the other day for my follow-up appointment.  She asked if I had felt sad or blue since the baby was born.  I honestly don't know.  With 3 kids, who has time to feel sad?  Or think about if they're feeling sad?  You know what I feel?  Tired.  That's about it.

-Since I've been writing this, Ella has colored her face and her tummy with lip liner.  Awesome.
I think that means this post is over.

**Oh, one more thing...see that gyro-bowl in this picture?  We got one for Christmas.  They are supposed to be "unspillable."  My kids spilled it twice in the first 15 minutes.  Where do we sign up for those gifted classes??

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh Dear...

Today, I walked into the family room to find Ella lying on the floor near the fireplace, clutching her stocking.  She was sobbing and saying, "come back!  come back!  It's all my fault."  When I asked her what was wrong, she said, "I miss Santa.  I want him to come back and bring me more presents!"

Oh dear.

On another note...here are pictures of Aidan, Ella and Anna...all around 6 weeks old.  Who do you think Anna looks more like?  Ella or Aidan?  It seems that some people think she looks just like Ella and others think she looks just like Aidan.  It always amazes me how they can be such a mix...and you can see different people, depending on their expression at the time.  I'd love for you to leave a comment and let me know your opinion...just for fun.  :) 

It's funny...I never thought Aidan and Ella looked alike, but I think Anna looks like both of them.  I love these sweet babies and their chubby, yummy cheeks!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

By Faith....

I haven't posted much lately.  I have resolved to try to do better.  My pregnancy and subsequent newborn have kind of stolen all my mental energy of late.  But, I've also been pretty heavy hearted lately, and it's always more difficult for me to write from that place...a little too personal, I guess.  This past year has been a difficult one for many sweet families that are close to us.  We have many friends struggling with unbearable losses, illnesses, difficult marriages, financial problems and on and on.  My heart is broken and pained for my sweet friends, and I want so badly to be able to alleviate some of the pain and some of the struggle for them.  It is frustrating at best and agonizing at its worst.  My spirit knows that God is sovereign.  He has a plan.  He knows better than me.  He works all things together for good.  But, frankly, my flesh wants to stomp its feet and pout and scream, "that's not fair!"  And it's not fair...and it's not right.  God never intended this for us...this fallen, broken, ugly world. 

This morning, while struggling with all this, God sweetly laid Hebrews 11 on my heart...the "faith chapter" to those in the church crowd.  One, that you read so much that sometimes its meaning is lost...until you sit back and truly digest what it means.  I've read it over and over this morning, letting it be a soothing balm to the knot of pain that's been gnawing at my chest today. 

Hebrews 11 reminds us that it is not this world we're living for anyway...it is for things unseen.  I am shifting my focus, "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God...persevering because we see him who is invisible."  I am "admitting that I am an alien and stranger on earth...looking for a country of my own...a better country, a heavenly one."  And to my friends, who find God's peace in the midst of unbelievable circumstances, and who proclaim His goodness even in the middle of excruciating pain, "the world is not worthy of you."  I admire your faith and am honored to know you and serve God along side of you.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Public Service Announcement

These are my children (2 of them, anyway):

These are my children, loaded up on sugar and up hours past their bedtime:

Don't let this happen to you or to your children.

I hope you all had a great time ringing in the New Year!
Have a great 2012.