Friday, October 14, 2011

Rambling from the Pregnant Cat Lady

I'm writing this from the only comfortable spot I can find arm chair in my living room.  I can put my feet up, and it has 2 arms that I can use to propel myself into a standing position should the need arise.  I am almost 34 weeks pregnant.  I have 6 weeks and 2 days to go...not that I am keeping track.  I am thinking my next blog post could be titled, "1001 Ways to Get Things off the Floor without Bending Over."  I've had to get quite creative in the last couple of weeks.  I haven't gained much weight with this pregnancy.  I really haven't had much of an appetite.  The baby has grown just fine, which is good.  But over the past week, that all changed.  All the sudden, I am ravenous all the time.  Not just a little hungry, but STARVING.  I eat, and 5 minutes later my stomach is growling again. I wake up hungry in the middle of the night.  I have a feeling I'm going to start packing on the pounds.

This morning, at 7:30, three of Aidan's friends from school showed up at our house unexpectedly.  They decided to hang out here until it was time to go to school.  They also decided to raid our refrigerator.  I realized that in the not too distant future, these boys will all be teenagers with EVEN bigger appetites.  I'm going to have to keep a LOT more food on hand.  Our little eating machine, has grown 4 inches so far this year!  Yikes.  That growth was fueld by many bowls of cereal, many tubes of yogurt and about a million peanut butter sandwiches.  He'll also eat as much taco casserole and salmon patties as you'll give him.  He's 8.  Heaven help us when he's a teenager. 

While Aidan's friends were here this morning, one of them asked me if I had a job.  When I said no he said, "so what do you do, just stay here and take care of that cat all day?"  Yep, that's what I do...take care of the cat...all day, every day.  It's a full time job.

I think the baby's name is probably Anna Kate.  But, I haven't decided that to the point that I'm ready to do anything put it on her registry, or put it in her room anywhere. 

In other random news, Mark and I have been doing some serious talking about becoming goat farmers.  I'll give you a minute to stop laughing.

Better?  Seriously though...wouldn't it be cool to move your family to the country, buy some goats and chickens and live a simpler life.  I know it would be hard work, but hard physical labor makes you feel so much better than hard mental/emotional labor.  We're thinking about only live once, right?  We've also talked about having a farm and hosting summer camps for kids that would like to experience life on a farm for a while in the summer.  We found out after we were already married that we both had a dream to run a camp for kids.  We don't even know where to begin, but we're talking about it...looking into it, talking to some people that have done it.  You never know where God might lead.

Well, that's all I have for today.  Thanks for stopping by to read this...I don't have much to say lately.  I've been pretty preoccupied with baby stuff, house selling stuff, etc.  But, I'm glad I got to check in and say hi.

The Pregnant Cat Lady

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