Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What We've Been Up To

I'm finding it difficult to make time for blogging lately.  Maybe it's the 3 kids...or the 2 cats...or the bird...or my ADD.  Anyway, here's what's been going on with us:

-We are officially gardeners.  We were at Home Depot one night and the kids kept talking about wanting to have a small garden.  They picked out a little pizza garden in a box thing and put it in the cart.  From there, it escalated to a pallet garden.  You fill a pallet with soil, plant a few things...easy, cheap, good size for kids...and Home Depot was going to give us the pallets for free.  Well, we sent Mark back by himself to get the pallets and what we ended up with instead were the materials for a 12X6 foot raised bed.  We have planted tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, okra and carrots so far.  I am going to get some peppers and black-eyed peas also.  This web site:  www.smartgardener.com has been an awesome resource.  It outlines exactly what to do, what plants go well together, etc.  It even emails you a weekly to do list in the garden.  I am so looking forward to fresh tomatoes...so stay away bugs and rabbits!!

-Anna is eating solids.  It seemed to sneak up on me.  With your first, you can't wait until they are ready to eat baby food.  With your third, it seems to come too fast.  She LOVES carrots and apples.  She was practically singing for apples today.  She is also rolling over now.  She is quite amused by this.  She is our little doll.

-We have canceled our TV service.  We still have Netflix.  Everything else we watch on Hulu or on the network's web site.  It has been going great...until Friday, when the Rangers' season started...we may never see Mark again...at least until the fall...he has been trying to find places to go to watch the games.  So, if you feel really sorry for him...invite him over to watch a game.  If you feel really sorry for me...ignore his calls and texts on game days. 

-Aidan came home tonight with a black eye/swollen nose.  His cub scout den built a water bottle launcher (look it up on YouTube, it's actually pretty cool).  There was a little mishap and Aidan got a water bottle in the face.  It looks painful.

-I am giving some serious thought to homeschooling Aidan next year.  (gasp!)  I would love to hear your thoughts.  Would you love to hear mine?  Good:  Aidan is very bright and highly interested in a lot of subjects that they don't have time to get to in school.  I want to foster this love of learning and challenge him more.  I want to find a great curriculum...with a high emphasis on math and science.  He would still have lots of social exposure, which is huge for me, since we run with lots of homeschooling families and are pretty involved in church/cub scouts.  BUT, I worry about how difficult this would be with a baby and a 4 year old at home.  I also worry about pulling him out of a school that he really likes, does reasonably well in, and changing everything up on him.  I would love to hear your thoughts, both for and against.  Be honest...I won't get offended. 

-I have memorized 34 scriptures since February 1 using a great website:  www.memverse.com  I love it.  I have had a hard time with memorization since having children.  But, this site has really worked for me.  You kind of have to explore the site a little to understand how it all works, but I love it. 

-I think that's all I have for tonight.  :)

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