Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And While We're on the Subject of Prayer...

It's funny to me that Aidan was teaching Ella to pray.  I loved that what he was instructing her to say was so casual and conversational.  He talks to God just like he talks to us.  I love it...he gets's not about using fancy words, it's about saying what's in your heart...the faith of a child.

Learning to pray has been a lifelong journey for me. My prayers have drastically changed over the last couple of years.  The verse, "pray without ceasing" has come to characterize my prayer life (on the good days, anyway).  I used to try to set aside time to pray in the morning, or before bed.  It was hard to get up any earlier than Aidan, since he is such an early riser.  I'm not much of a morning person anyway, and found it hard to focus.  By the time I got to go to bed, I usually fell asleep mid-prayer.  My life is so busy and unpredictable that I have had to learn to pray without ceasing.  I pray in the shower, I pray while I'm packing lunches, I pray while I'm driving, when I'm with the kids, while I'm cleaning, while I'm folding laundry...I pray all day (again, on the good days...I have dry spells too).

There was a time that I couldn't fathom praying all day.  I focused on trying to say the right words in the right order.  Praise God first, then thank him, then ask for forgiveness of sins, then present your requests...had to be in that order or it wouldn't work, right?  I've learned that God is not trying to trick us and is not looking for formulaic prayers.  All of those components of prayer are important, but it's so much easier than all of that.  It's a conversation.  "Thanks God for the rain today.  I needed a break from the oppressive heat.  Thanks."  "Thank you for my children God, who am I that you would bless me in such a way?  Love you."  "Please help my friend.  I don't know how to help them, but you do, so please help."  "Help me be more like you.  Help me show your character."
Easy, simple prayers...not long drawn out fancy things...easy is more my style.

And one more thing about prayer...I now know why God tells us to pray without ceasing.  Otherwise, we would never get it all in.  There is so much in the world that needs to be covered with prayer.  Friends, family, my husband, his job, my kids...their futures, their presents, my struggle to control my mouth and my attitude, and on and on.  It can be overwhelming at times, so I just keep praying...and trying to listen too.  Because listening is an important part too...I'm still working on the being still and quiet before the Lord.  Prayer is something I'm still learning.  I'm glad Aidan has Ella starting early!

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