Monday, June 27, 2011


Everyone has been asking about the blog...I know, I've been TERRIBLE this summer!  Sigh.  I just can't seem to get it together.

Since everyone loves excuses, here is a list of excuses for why I haven't been blogging regularly:

1.  I'm pregnant.  (18 weeks...almost 1/2 way!!)  I'm pregnant and I can't think a complete thought...putting that thought into writing?  Next to impossible.  I have pregnancy induced dementia.  For example, the other day, the kids and I were driving to the grocery store.  I was NOT thinking about what I was doing, and I missed the turn.  So, I turned the car around.  I immediately started thinking of something else and missed the turn AGAIN!  I would not have even realized it if Aidan hadn't said something.  I've also taken wrong turns on the way to church twice in the last week.  Church is less than 5 minutes from my house.  So, I'll be doing good to finish this post and remember how to get it published correctly.

2.  Both of my kids are home all day every day.  I LOVE having my kids home, but if I don't keep them entertained they will do one of three things:  a) Eat every bit of food in the house  b) Fight   c) Make a gigantic mess.  So, needless to say, I do my best to keep them entertained.

3.  My husband is only working half days.  One might think this would make it EASIER for me to get things done, but no.  I need a routine.  I have my days planned out, and on my schedule, Mark gets home at 4 or 5, not 1:30.  It totally messes me up.

4.  Laundry.  Does this even need an explanation?  Could someone please explain to my children that you can wear the same clothes AFTER you go swimming that you were wearing before?  And, if you want to pretend to be super heroes, you do not have to ACTUALLY change clothes while spinning around.  If God had told Eve that eating that fruit would ultimately lead to load after load of laundry I am SURE she wouldn't have done it.  Fortunately, Mark took up the laundry cause yesterday...he decided he was going to wash every piece of dirty clothing in the house so it would ALL be clean at once.  I just smiled...I didn't bother to explain that this is an impossible task, because our kids won't stop wearing clothes!  He'll figure it out soon enough.  In the meantime, I'll update my blog while he chips away at the laundry.

5. Dishes.  (sigh)

6. Our computer is a dinosaur.  I'm not kidding.  It takes 7 minutes to open one email.  If all goes as planned, we will be getting a new one this summer, thanks to my awesome hard working husband.

7.  We are getting ready for a long trip.  Because of my PID (pregnancy induced dementia) this is really taking up all my mental energy.  I usually have a great system for trip preparation, but I can't seem to concentrate long enough to work on it.  So, I just think about it, walk around the house a few times trying to decide what to do first, and then sit back down.  It is exhausting.

8.  I am trying to keep 2 kids (I guess, 3 now), 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 bird and 1 husband alive.  They must all be fed, groomed and played with regularly.

9.  A realtor is coming to the house on Thursday to discuss the possibility of listing our house.  That means, I feel compelled to clean the whole house...and not just "stuff it all in the closet" clean, but really clean and organize everything...which takes twice as long because of the aforementioned PID.

10.  It's summer...and I'm lazy.

Enough excuses though...I promise to try to do better.  Maybe while on vacation, I'll have more time.  Ha!

In other news...we find out the gender of the baby on July 18th.  Yea!  My morning sickness is almost completely gone, although it still rears its ugly head on occasion.

Please don't hate me, but we will be going to Colorado VERY soon.  Colorado!  The place that boasted a cool 56 degrees last week...on the same day that it was 105 here!  If you need me, I'll be sitting on a deck looking out at a stunning mountain view and reading a good book.  Please don't hate me.  :-)

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