Sunday, February 12, 2012

Old Pudding and Dirty Laundry

As I write this, I have a dirty pan from lunch, still sitting on the top of the stove.  I have a load of sheets that I put in the washer on Friday that are still there.  I will probably have to rewash them.  My bed is not made, and there is a breast pump on my night stand.  Ella's half eaten chocolate pudding is on the counter.  There are crumbs on the floor under the kitchen table, even though I moved the entire table and swept under, and then mopped it on my hands and knees just two days ago.  You can't really walk in Ella's room, and there are dirty clothes on Aidan's bed.  There are tooth paste splatters on the mirror in the kids' bathroom, and some dried toothpaste in the sink.  My pantry needs to be organized, the recycling needs to be taken out...our Christmas decorations are in boxes that are STILL sitting in our living room (hint, hint, Mark).  Our television has finger prints on the a matter of fact, the computer screen I am looking at right now, also has finger prints on it.  It's not that we don't clean it up, but it's a struggle to get it all done, and then keep it that way.  Especially with a newborn.  But that's not why I'm telling you this.

I'm telling you this, because I want everyone to know right up front, that my house gets this way sometimes.  Especially on the weekends, when we're busy...or during extremely busy and stressful weeks like the one we just had.  Most of you have never seen my house this way, because I go to great pains to make sure everything is cleaned up before anyone ever comes over...because until now, I would have never wanted you to think that my house gets this way sometimes. 

The problem is, there have been many times when I would have liked to invite someone over for coffee or lunch and I haven't...because the house was like it is right now, and I lacked either the time or the energy to make it look perfect.  There have been lots of Friday or Saturday nights when Mark has said, "Lets see if so and so wants to come over and play games or watch a movie."  And, I have said no...not because I didn't want to hang out with so and so, but because I was too tired to make the house presentable. 

But not anymore.  From now on, I am having people over...even if my house is a you might as well know now, so you won't be surprised (or disgusted) if you come over.  Sometimes my house is not perfect...not even close.  Because, this week we lost a dear friend.  And, I keep thinking how sad it is that he'll not walk through that door anymore...not for our life group, not for dinner, not for a party, not to watch a baseball game...and it makes me sad.  And I think about all the times we haven't invited people over because the house was a little messy...a few dirty dishes, a little dust...and it makes me even more sad.  I think if Dan and Linda rang my doorbell right now, I wouldn't care one bit about the dishes, or the laundry or the fingerprints.  That's not to say that I think keeping a neat house isn't important...I will still fight that battle.  I will still tackle the laundry every day, do the dishes and wipe down the bathroom sinks every day.  I will still make the kids clean their rooms and put away their toys.  But, if life gets busy...and a few messes get away from me...I'm still inviting my friends please don't mind the door is always open.

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