Thursday, September 16, 2010

Even More Things I've Heard Lately...

Aidan:  Are the streets in heaven really made of gold?
Me:  I believe so
Aidan:  Then I hope I die with a jackhammer

Aidan:  (while shopping in Canton)  This is even MORE boring than Wal-Mart  (to which a couple of men standing around waiting on their wives whole-heartedly agreed)

Ella:  (after her daddy bought her new toothpaste)  My daddy is perfect.  He's a great guy.

Ella:  Mommy, will you paint my finger tails?

Aidan:  I'm not even 50 yet and my back is killing me!

Ella:  (while pointing a rubber band gun in my face)  Stop singing, or I'll shoot!  (I didn't realize my singing was that bad!)

Ella:  Mommy, you're my hero, my herooooooooooooo!

Mommy:  Look, the windshield has a chip in it.
Ella:  A chip?  I can't eat a windshield!  That's yucky.

Aidan's friend, Cade:  I was thinking last night that when we grow up, we should live together in a RV and go around the world talking about God.
Aidan:  And we could make lots of money and give it to God
Cade:  But, we could keep some of the money

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