Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some More Things I've Heard Lately:

Ella:  I want my godmother to bring me a cowboy on a horse.  (she's probably not alone in that, am I right ladies?)

Aidan:  I can't see my head because my eyes are way down here!  (huh?)

Ella:  Dear God, thank you for my bottom.  Amen.

Ella:  My bottom itches, but my fingers are GOOD scratchers.  (eww!)

Aidan:  I think Pawpaw should be president.  He's 6'4", skinny, honest and courageous.  So, he would be a good president.

Ella:  Let's get Sam's college (collar) and sleesh (leash) and take him for a walk.

Me:  Ella, let's go take a nap.
Ella:  I don't want to take a nap.
Me:  But, naps help you grow into a big girl.
Ella:  And then I can hold a big knife?

Ella:  (while drinking chocolate milk)  My tongue LOVES chocolate!  (I can relate)

Ella:  (at the grocery store...referring to a 40-something woman)  Hey mommy!  Look at that old lady buying eggs!  (not said in an "indoor voice" either!)

Ella:  sigh...I'm going to tell Mark I need to go potty.  (Don't you mean daddy?)

Ella:  (as Aidan was putting 2 quarters in a pencil machine) Hey!  You can't do that!  Those are God's quarters!!

Ella:  (to her Pawpaw) Your socks are so excited because they're so big!

Aidan: (while trying to play wii the smoke alarms went off)  Are you serious?  I can't work under these conditions!!

Aidan:  (to the opposing basketball team on Wii sports)  What's up pig, what's up?  What's that even mean, anyway?  (He has great trash talk while playing video games.)

Mark:  (while on his way to Worship rehearsal)  You obviously don't understand what it's like to rock for Jesus.  (still laughing about this one.)


  1. My favorite (and, potentially, the most terrifying) is the conversation between you & Ella where she wonders about holding the big nice, very, very nice ;)I LOVE hearing about what kids say. So cute!


  2. Yeah, it's a little scary...especially considering she likes to pretend that her mommy has been captured by a dragon, but no one cares enough to rescue her...I know who she's coming after first!

    We have the comment about her bottom itching on at least we have some good blackmail material for when she's older (and after we've hidden all the knives!)


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