Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Odds and Ends

Please excuse the complete randomness and the rambling of this post.  Thanks.

Aidan came home from school the other day with a form about pledging to not watch tv or play video games for a week.  There was a log they had to fill out and bring back to school for a reward.  Aidan handed it to me and said, "I'm not doing this.  TV is my heart and soul."  Where did we go wrong?  I was just a tiny bit relieved that he wasn't interested, because tv and video games have been my life saver with this pregnancy.  I know, please make sure you spell my name correctly on that mom of the year award.  Thanks.

Last night we got ice cream and went for a drive with the kids...just to get out of the house.  Aidan put in his Halloween songs for kids cd.  So, less than a week before Easter, we are driving around with both of our kids dancing to Monster Mash while using stick horses for guitars.  Does anyone else have kids that are this strange?  I didn't think so.

I am craving spicy mustard, banana pudding, a banana pudding frozen custard from Wooley's (does that place still exist?), cantaloupe and bread and butter pickles.  Not all together...thankfully.

I think it is not nice to tell a hormonal pregnant woman who is about to throw up in her own lap that she cannot have the medicine that keeps her from throwing up.  I don't think it's nice at all.

I think Subway should put in a drive thru.  That way, I can order a sandwich drenched in spicy mustard without having to get my daughter out of the car...because she's still in her noon.  Just to clarify, the last name only has one L in it...when will I receive this award?

Mark was talking about Toby Mac being in concert at Six Flags the other night.  Except when he said his name, he put a strong emphasis on the first, he said TOby Mac.  We've been laughing about it ever since.  We really don't have much going on in our lives right now, which is why this post is so dumb.

Ella says "got-for" instead of "forgot."  She also says, "cause-be" instead of "because."  We'll never tell her she's wrong.  It's too cute.  Aidan is very worried about what will happen when she goes to a job interview and says "cause-be."  He thinks we're crazy for not correcting her, and it irks him to no end that we won't let him correct her.

Ella wants to name the new baby, "bubba jr."

I was watching a Spongebob episode the other day.  It was the one where Patrick realizes he doesn't have a nose, so he gets one from a nose store.  Then, he realized that everything smells and he can't take it.  It makes him kind of crazy.  It was so nice to feel like someone understood what I'm going through.  Even if it was Patrick Star.  Someone help me.

I wish I could make the people at Target understand what kind of havoc it wreaks in my life when they change their pull ups from pink with dogs and cats to purple with fairies and unicorns.  This was the catalyst for a huge screaming fit yesterday.  Shame on you Target.

Today, Ella was being especially good, so I commented that she was "such a big girl."  Aidan said:  "just like, wait...I'm a boy."  Good job, Aidan.

Ella walked up to me this morning and said, "Mommy, I totally rock."  I think she inherited Mark's self esteem.  Mark's self-esteem and my bossiness...pray for us.

Thanks for staying with this nonsense for this long.


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