Friday, February 18, 2011

Another List:

1.  I've been really into lists lately.  I don't know why.  That's just how I'm keeping a handle on everything right now...short, sweet and to the point...the beauty of a list.

2.  I've been in a tizzy lately about my house.  I feel like a hamster on a wheel.  I clean and clean and clean...go to bed and then clean the same things all over again, and it NEVER feels clean.  It's really been stressing me out, to the point that it is affecting my mood and over all disposition.  Can anyone relate?  Today, when I was cleaning up bird seed and feathers for the umpteenth millionth time this week, God spoke to my heart and said, "relax.  2 small children, a bird, 2 cats and a new puppy live in your small house.  It's going to be messy, and it's not a reflection on you."  I needed that.  I love how God knows when I need a word from him...even about something as insignificant as bird seed.

3.  This weather is straight from heaven.  Ella and I have been to 2 parks and the zoo this week.  I am feeling like a more sane and balanced person.  There truly is a season for everything.  I loved the snow and being all snuggled up with my family at home.  But, the fresh air and sunshine awakens a whole new joy in my spirit.  I love playing outside with my kids.  (and they don't make nearly as many messes that way...see #2!)

4. God loves me.  That's huge.  (and He loves you too...he is an equal opportunity lover of humans)

5. I've discovered the power of praying over my kids recently.  I've always prayed with them.  But, our new bedtime is routine, is first they pray, and then I pray.  I pray scripture over them and protection over them.  It is truly amazing the changes I am seeing in them.  If you don't know how to do this, here is an example of what I pray for Aidan, "Father, thank you so much for this child.  He is such a blessing to our family.  I am so humbled that you have chosen me to be his mother.  Please help me and guide me as I raise him.  God, be with Aidan at school.  Give him discernment when choosing friends.  Give him courage to always choose right.  Help him to love you with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind and all his strength.  Teach him to love others as he loves himself.  Guide him in the paths you would have him walk." and so on...basically, I just pour out my hopes and dreams for him to God, right there in front of him.  I notice a difference in his behavior, in his response to me and in his own prayers.  As Ella says, "try it, you'll like it!"  Maybe I'm the last one to figure this out...I've always prayed for them this way I just do it out loud right in front of them.

6. I have a new habit...well, I just started it today, so I guess it's not a habit yet...The computer has been such a time drain for me lately...I get sucked, my new habit is to check my email/facebook/a few of my favorite blogs when I get up in the morning and have coffee.  Then, I turn it off...until Ella is down for a nap...then I check email/facebook/update my blog and then turn it off again.  Not just walk away, but turn it all the way I don't just sit down for a second to check my email and get drawn in and lose an hour.  Today has been great...I don't feel nearly as tired or foggy headed.

7. I have  a touch of OCD in a few areas, one of them being, it will cause me physical pain to stop this list before I reach 10.  So, I'm really trying to think of a few more things to say.

8.  Oh!  This one is important.  God has laid it on my heart to do a little project on obedience.  I'm not giving out very many details right now (at least not here)...but, if you have a personal story of either a time you were obedient to something God asked you to do or a time you were not obedient to something God asked you to do...could you leave it in a comment or send it to me in a message?  It would help me...and I will give you more details about what I'm doing.  Just let me know what it was and what the result was.  Also, if you've read any great books or done any great Bible studies that dealt with obedience could you leave a comment with the name and author?

9.  In case you didn't know...the 3 day weekend officially begins at 3:00 when the kids get out of school!  I am very, very happy about this.  Mark is going to Canton tomorrow, and I'm a little excited to get to spend the day alone with both of my munchkins.  I'm planning some super fun stuff.  (Not that it wouldn't be fun with Mark too...but I love my mommy time!)

10.  And since it's still Valentine's week...and I need a #10 to round this post out...some thoughts on love...
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."  Zephaniah 3:17 

I really like to think about God rejoicing over me with singing!  Be blessed and have a great LONG weekend!!

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