Monday, February 7, 2011

Ten Things

1.  Going back to school after an unplanned week off for ice and snow is really difficult for an 8 year old boy.  He kept looking out the everything would spontaneously freeze and school would be called off at the last minute.  One can always hope, right?

2.  The dog is driving me nuts today.  I guess since we actually got up and started moving around this morning, he is worried I am going to leave him.  Because he is constantly under my feet...I can't even walk in my own house.  I had to take him with me when we took Aidan to school, because he just about had a heart attack when he saw us headed to the car.

3. I am happy that the Steelers lost...but it was hard to be too happy because they're my sweet hubby's team.  Even Aidan was pretty low key about the Packers winning.  He felt bad for his daddy...isn't that sweet?

4.  Mostly, I'm just glad football is over for a few months.  The week leading up to the Super Bowl was especially hard...seriously, how much can you talk about a game that had not even happened yet?  Apparently, you can talk about it A LOT.  Enough to fill a whole week's worth of TV watching.

5.  If my daughter doesn't stop waking up in the middle of the night...only to walk in my bedroom and say, "mommy, can you take me back to bed?"  I am moving out.  Not really.

6. Dogs + tubes of yellow gel food coloring + carpet= tears of frustration and 1 partially yellow dog

7.  I made cupcakes with the Steelers emblem on them last night for Mark.  Because he asked me to.  He did not even eat them after I made them.

8.  I made an Aaron Rodgers cupcake for Aidan last night.  Because he asked me to.  He promptly ate and enjoyed it.

9.  I think my cupcakes had an influence on the outcome of the game.  Maybe the next time I make special cupcakes for Mark, he will take enough time away from the football game to actually eat them.

10.  My husband did not make me any coffee this morning.  I don't want to make it myself.  If he had made it for me, I would be drinking it right now.  But I'm not.

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